☆ : Bar

width must be 220 but height can be anything

Please drink responsibly! or not uwu

P.Chanyeol 1 month ago
@C.San /shakes my head slightly with an amused grin as you catch the drunk fellow scolding him on his way, i keep my attention to the room as i speak to you, slight bows here and there as i mingle around the open space
business is only good if its with people who stride for the same goals as you. most people want a sponsor or are looking for a spot within our shareholders. as a business man its pretty tiresome to get stuck talking to someone who is trying to pitch a proposal youve heard a million times before
/i take a quick pause in my steps and looks back at you, my taller self looking down at you
my family has been loyal to this company for generations, i am the product of multi billionaires and i carry that legacy with me, i am soon to inherit the entire company after this engagement
/i let out a light breath before taking a sip of my champagne
that is my future, and its been laid our for be since before my birth. i dont even know my fiance, this is what business truly is san.
C.San 1 month ago
@P.Chanyeol Right, lucky me.
-the sarcasm wasn't unnoticed but I chose not to snap back as I firmly nod my head as part of my response; it was merely a one night job thing on top of many I've done so I kept professional. Once your movement began, I followed along at a good distance. Close enough to hear you but also wear a smile on my face to give off the representation that I'm having a good time.-

It would appear you have a lot of socializing to do...some would day that can get draining after the first two hours.
-my brown irises scanned the room as second nature, quickly following you into a huge space within the room as I stand nearby when you give your mini toast. Being somewhat entertained by the obvious fake happiness personality given by most but once you finish, I stride over to you-

Whats wrong with business deals? Don't you have to make money somehow? -I question curiously, my attention fully on you though my brows are knitted slightly in confusion, but soon I am catching sight of someone about to bump into you so I reach out to grab your arm and tug you towards me out of the way while glancing to the individual immediately apologizing-

Chill out with the alcohol.
-I stated firmly with a squint, as they left I release the grip I have on you and dust off your sleeve for you lightly before keeping my hands to myself once again-
P.Chanyeol 1 month ago
@C.San lucky you, getting to follow me around while i chat up strangers
/i joke sarcastically, grasping your hand returning the handshake before letting go turning briefly to talk to my farther before leading us away from the group and heading down into the main room filled with most of the guest
first we will be joining everyone for cocktail hour, it just gives time for all those important enough to arrive and socialize, just follow along, i advise to stay a good foot or so away if you dont want to get caught in the press photos
also do me a favor, if i blink at you twice please make an excuse to pull me away mid convo, most of these guys are just here to try and make a business deal that i really could care less about right now.
/a laugh echos under my breath in a sour tone already knowing it was a fact, my long strides pause as i make it into the clearing, straightening out my suit a bit before grabbing the attention of the room, a cheerful smile embarks my lips as i modestly greet the room, welcoming the guest that have arrived, making small talk here and there were i can as i move deeper into the crowded area
C.San 1 month ago
@P.Chanyeol () Its chill, no complaints from me

-to say the least this party was overwhelming for San, as an individual who avoids crowds outside of work. I was definitely trying to uphold a professional stance that didn't give any obvious sense that I was not having a good time.
When someone finally spoke, my brown irises averted their attention to a male slightly taller than I with a deeper voice as well. Gazing my eyes down to take notice of the hand Chanyeol held out for a shake. Reaching my own out in return to respond to the shake with a firm yet quick shake-

Yes sir, looking forward to accompanying you throughout the night. I won't be a huge pain and chat your ear off so don't worry about me in that sense. Also, congratulations on the engagement.
-I responded in a disciplinary manner, my tone slightly different than average as it comes off more assertive and straight to the point. Retracting my hand away and setting it back to my side, I shift my position to where I am now standing on the left side of Chanyeol, my head turned to glance at the male as if expecting him to guide the way so I can simply tag along-

Busy party though.
-I merely commented, mainly out of slight annoyance but overall I would nod my head as a brief greeting to those I came into eye contact with for the simplicity of being polite-
P.Chanyeol 1 month ago
@C.San /it was a long day and it felt like the day would only get longer, father insisted on throwing an engagement party to tell basically everyone, meaning his billionaire business partners, that his eldest son was successfully getting married to another nepo baby thus strengthening the family wealth. i myself wasnt too excited about the whole thing but it was business at the end of the day and i could respect that much, i couldnt complain as my now fiance came from a great background and was educated and knowledgeable, kind and respectful, from what ive seen. the event was to start in the next half our and myself along with those related ended up in a briefing room with multiple body guards present, not sure if my mind was until i hear my name being called, my ears perking up from my daze
hello there san, thank you for your hard work today, i look forward to working with you
/a gentle smile appears on my face, hand reaching out to offer a hand shake, my eyes shifting to focus on you as i do so, with an intrigued thought following

()dont mind the length, its just the starter
C.San 1 month ago
@P.Chanyeol -the night came fast as I prepared myself for what sounded like a bodyguard shift, something I don't normally do but the branch insisted I do so. With no further questions, I pull up to the venue with my coworker. Taking a moment to look around the premises with my eyes as if searching for any places someone can enter and exit, though my outfit isn't my normal attire as they wanted us to fit in. Making my way inside the luxurious bar, walking over to the individual and her family that hired them; a friendly grin upon my face as I come face to face with everyone-

Hello, its a pleasure to meet you guys. I'm San, I'll be watching over..a Chanyeol tonight...?
-I speak in a questioning manner as I hope I remembered his name correctly from the briefing this morning, though I stood there calmly and patiently waiting until someone spoke-


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fullsunflower [A] 1 week ago
☆ Please comment :
fc name + group + hybrid/human
RoseThornArchive 2 weeks ago
Hello, ik jungkook is here but is he available? Since theyre inactive??
db73e1c0dd2b4a6aac0a 3 weeks ago
The rules say my account should be at least 4 months old... But I'm new here what should I do?
rennuelaw 3 weeks ago
Do i or do i not....hmmmmm
TaeKook 4 weeks ago
MAy I get Jung Wooyoung as a wolf dog please
sliceofjade 1 month ago
who is on the wishlist for here?
DamnLuke 1 month ago
Can I reserve Choi Minho from SHINee?
Kagune 1 month ago
Whose missing in EXO?
reverie- 1 month ago
Hello, Kim Minjae as Human please
sugaisbias 1 month ago
Jeong Yunho, Ateez. Human please?
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