⤷ chambers

// chambers
bedrooms within the castle. only royals, castle workers, and invited are allowed.
♤ kim gayoung ᵠᵘᵉᵉⁿ 4 weeks ago
@♤ kim yuna ᵖʳᶦⁿᶜᵉˢˢ Gayoung's eyebrows arch at the sudden display of affection. Whenever the princess sought her out, she knew that something plagued her. Enough for her to go all the way from her chambers to Gayoung's. The queen without fail welcomed her with open arms each time. She envelopes her sister's frame in her embrace, softly sighing at how peaceful the moment was, despite it being late. She would gladly sacrifice a portion of her sleep to help Yuna with whatever it was that troubled her.

"Of course, my dear. Please don't apologize. You know you're always welcome in my chambers. What's troubling you?" Gayoung asked gently, reaching up to Yuna's hair in an attempt to offer comfort.

The younger's answer comes in the form of a question. A question that was preceded by the princess' very own sigh. "Yuna, there is no need to wonder when you already are a good princess of our Kingdom. And you do not have to worry about matters like having to marry for political gain. For I hope that you find a love match."

Usually, princesses were mere political pawns for the crown to barter off for a chance of gaining footing in other kingdoms but as Gayoung was once a princess herself, she knew the pressure that came from thinking that one day one might have to abandon their heart's desire and marry up for power. It was something that she did not wish for her sisters to think of. Whoever they fancied, she will do her best to support them. As long as the man was not of questionable character.

"And aside from matters of the heart, you are already doing a great job. Representing Pyrolith whenever you have to. I like the life that you bring to the court. So I wish for you to never dampen it. Stay as you are alright? You're more than enough and I will always tell you that." She begins wondering where this sudden restlessness came from.

"What happened that made you doubt yourself?" Gayoung softly inquires.
♤ kim yuna ᵖʳᶦⁿᶜᵉˢˢ 1 month ago
@♤ kim gayoung ᵠᵘᵉᵉⁿ Looking at the attire of her sister, Yuna knew that she was definitely disturbed Gayoung on her way to the dreamland, but tonight, she didn't want to be alone. Making her way to the queen's bed, she sat beside Gayoung and wordlessly threw her arms around the Older's waist, burying her face at the valley of Gayoung's , seeking comfort from the monsters inside her brain. Inhaling her sister's calming scent, something that she grew accustomed to during the absence of their mother, Yuna let out a soft sigh. "I am so sorry for barging in like this when you were about to sleep, sister. But is it okay if I'm being clingy this evening?"

Kim Yuna. The youngest of the Pyrolith royal family. Common people might think that she had it easy since she didn't share her older siblings' burden but unbeknownst to them, she had her fair share of burden. Despite she was always being seen with bright smile on her face, sometimes she felt like she's not good enough to be a part of the royal family. Her power was nothing compared to her siblings and despite her sometimes-crazy act, Yuna merely did that so her siblings, aside from Gayoung and Hoseok, would pay attention to her. Letting out another sigh, she looked up at Gayoung. Someone who had been taking over the mother figure for her for these past years. "Do you think I'd be a good princess for our kingdom, sister?"
♤ kim gayoung ᵠᵘᵉᵉⁿ 1 month ago
@♤ kim yuna ᵖʳᶦⁿᶜᵉˢˢ Gayoung had finally settled on her bed, its plush silk felt wonderful against her skin and the queen was beginning to feel sleep take her. The court duties this morning drained her of her energy as it seemed like the nobility was split between two opposing sides and even in supper, the Queen nursed a migraine as thoughts of this morning's council still plagued her.

It was a knock on the door and the small sing-song voice of one of her dear little sister's that would wake Gayoung up. She gets up from her bed and slips on a silken robe before arriving to her door and opening it up for the princess.

"Dear Yuna, is there something troubling you this evening?" She asks as she lets the princess in, Gayoung sits on the edge of her bed before patting the empty space beside her.

"Lets hear it." No matter how tired she may be, her doors are always open to either of her precious sisters.
♤ kim yuna ᵖʳᶦⁿᶜᵉˢˢ 1 month ago
@♤ kim gayoung ᵠᵘᵉᵉⁿ Standing outside the queen's chamber, the young princess started to rethink about her idea of spending a night at her sister's bedroom. But tonight, was one of those nights where sleepiness didn't come to visit her so easily. Her servants were starting to look at her as if she was a crazy woman since she had been pacing around for quite some time now.

Finally making up her mind, she gave the door a knock, with a sing a song voice she called out for her eldest sister.

"Dear sister! It's me, Yuna! May I come in, please~?"
♤ julie han ˢᵉʳᵛᵃⁿᵗ 1 month ago

@♤ kim hoseok ᵖʳᶦⁿᶜᵉ [Visual ref to her fit: https://i.imgur.com/gKmet92.jpeg]

Born out of wits, talent, and strength, the fire mimicry woman is nothing if not docile, fragile-looking, and delicate in all ways she portrayed herself to be. Julie Han, a fiery spirit as her mother always said. Telling her that her loud mouth and a bout of wit can get her very far in life with a buttload of trouble. Did she ever listen though? Of course, not. This is why Julie keeps her head down during palace hours, that is; when she's left to tend to the prince's chambers. Kim Hoseok. A huge build of man and one look at the male, people would shake in fear! Assuming that he would attack them with a snide look or remark, even the man's powers scream big and fearful.

Terrifying. One word to describe the Pyrolith kingdom officials and royals frolicking around and acting as if they own everything and that no one but them matters in today's society. It irks Julie to such an extent that she was ranting to one of her close friends recently about, how glorious it would've been to have the royals on fire if they weren't immune to the ing element, to begin with. However, one prince always stood out to her— minus her crush on one of the major s in the clan — Kim Mingyu. The one who stood out is the one she tends to, his chambers are always neat relatively and he still always tries his best to be polite and at least treat Julie like a semblance of a human and not some speck of dust. A waste of space if you will or just a of a body to warm his bed.

The sudden call has the woman perking up, leaving the things she has been doing only for her to bow politely and place a pleasant smile on her rosy couplets. The expression falters almost immediately upon hearing such vicious words coming from the man. He always reminded her of a bear-like person. Then again, aren't they deadly as well? And it seems that the prince had other plans for her all along. Was he just the same and Julie was greatly mistaken? The mere thought has her shaking her head and she tries her best to smile warmly at the other goofs around and the prince with a tight-lipped expression on her dirty features. Dust and soot from being in the kitchen time and time again, amongst other places, Julie isn't as clean as she wishes to be and she feels even dirtier upon hearing his request.

Is it because the prince has heard from his trustworthy fellows that she's a in the sheets for the other royal men? Royal guards, anyone who's willing to give her a gold piece— she'd happily give her body to them, in hopes of saving up and wanting to get her and her poor mother out of this ! That could be the only logical explanation at this point the servant thinks as she feels the tightening in her jaw and the fire boiling deep in her gut. She could match any of these fools standing before her in combat. She's trained and marred into her abilities, winded out even if she goes out of control, it'll damage them — yet... she has her mother to think of sadly.

Her head hangs in defeat and she's closing her eyes before moving her arms above her head and she starts swaying her hips in sensual curves and dips. Usually when she's "performing" for the other men who would have her to warm their bed, leaving at the crack of dawn— sometimes right after so as to not be caught, the woman uttered a soft, "With pleasure, your majesty," as she twists and turned. Her dress flowed even with the underneath of the cotton bathed in brown, icky residue, looking rather rumpled and old. Ugly if you will, but she cannot help but allow her body to slink into that deep headspace of wanting to be sensual and attract attention to herself from the onlookers.

Alas, Julie knows all too well this is a dare, a test to see if she would do it — how far she would go. She's used to getting picked on, but never before would the young woman think that Hoseok would be the type to request something so hideous and displeasing. Her dress is long enough that it doesn't ride up too much with each twist and turn— thankfully. At least she's allowed a chance to breathe and gather her bearings as she slides her palms over her lithe frame and barely, her fingers ghost over the swell of her mounds. This moment— it's humiliating, just like many others in the past. It isn't a dance full of sin to seduce anyone and make them dizzy with lust and empowerment where they would be slipped into a rouse of temptation, desire up their spine and traipsing them down a rabbit hole of blissful sin.

Oh, what pleasure can do and Julie is known for allowing such heady thoughts to come to mind, but as the servant dances around the male's chambers, oozing sensuality and her hands touching and teasing her own body, just as those women do at the multiple taverns surrounding the palace out of the borders — she knew without a doubt that she would possibly be frowned down upon by the jesters.

There must be something she's doing wrong or isn't doing well enough and whatever it may be — Julie doesn't know if she can handle more of this without snapping and throwing a fire tantrum their way. Her breath catches as she pulls up close to the prince and her eyes are fragile, weak, and soft— the total opposite of how she genuinely felt in that moment and her words come out low, sensual, and akin to a purr. "Is that all your majesty? Or would you like me to give you more? Preferably me or your lap just as those women do at the tavern?" Her words are made to sound flirtatious but it's far from that as the edges are sharp like a knife and holding the promise that she would snap later to come, when she's easily escaping these leeches and could get away with some alone time, possibly in the garden, far away from this — from them— from him! The one Pyrolith prince she actually liked and admired.
♤ kim hoseok ᵖʳᶦⁿᶜᵉ 1 month ago
@♤ julie han ˢᵉʳᵛᵃⁿᵗ In the grand chamber of Pyrolith Palace, Prince Kim Hoseok was surrounded by his friends - a motley crew of royal guards and merchants. They were all engaged in a lively discussion, their laughter echoing off the high ceilings. Despite his royal status and the serious nature of his role as the Royal Exchequer, Hoseok was known for his playful personality. As the conversation turned to his supposed soft spot, Hoseok scoffed, waving off their teasing with a dismissive flick of his hand. "Me? Soft? Never!" he declared with mock indignation, earning a chorus of laughter from his companions.

But beneath his confident facade, Hoseok couldn't help but feel a twinge of discomfort. His siblings, notorious for their fiery tempers and ruthless demeanour, while he is just double down of it, or probably more. It was a sore spot that he preferred to keep hidden, buried beneath layers of charm and wit. To prove them wrong, they dared him to order a servant to do something embarrassing for them. The target? the servant who has been sweeping the corridor at his front door. Just a convenient pick from his friends. He already felt like wanting to choke them with his lava chain, all he need is just cast it out in a second.

Though he had never paid much attention to Julie before, Hoseok found himself reluctantly accepting the bet. Julie Han, the servant responsible with his chamber, she still quite significant to him as she is one of the servants on his list that he remembers their name. Determined to show his friends that he was just as capable of mischief as they were, he called for Julie from the other side of his room where his study area is. "Han! Can you get over here in haste!".

While the couple of seconds she took to get to the middle of the room, Hosoeok tried to come up with something humiliating enough but not violating. But, he doesn't have much time. "My friend over here would like to see the Pyrolith servant's talents. Could you please show us how the ladies in Pyrolith sing and dance in Tanvern to get extra cash from the visitor WITHOUT removing any thread on your body. You can only stop when I order you to". Even he was surprised with what just came out of his mouth. The brutality of Pyrolith's Royal did run in his blood indeed but he is not enjoying this. Not even a bit. But he tries to maintain the confident look on his face as a facade to his friends.


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RoseThornArchive 3 weeks ago
Hello, can i please reserve park jimin as a Marshall in pyrolith?
SongOfAchilles 3 weeks ago
Can I reserve Park Jinyoung as a lord in Pyrolith?^^
nemoli 3 weeks ago
can i reserve kim sojeong (sowon) as a townsfolk?
-jewel 1 month ago
could i please reserve kwon sooyoung aka hoshi from svt for the aerion kingdom, im not sure what role yet but yeah!
onezys 1 month ago
could I please reserve baek songmin as a princess of aerion?
TheHermit 1 month ago
Could I please reserve Zhang Linghe as a Prince in hydrosia?
emptyhead [A] 1 month ago
♛ C H E C K E D ♛

- check the ranks for open positions
- reservations last 72 hours

- geonova civilians :: 12
- hydrosia civilians :: 10
- pyrolith civilians :: 17 [ closed for the time being ]
- aerion civilians :: 11
[comment deleted by owner]
Kagune 1 month ago
ooo this looks like fun!
Midnight_Muse 1 month ago
hello, can I reserve Min Sunye as a duchess ?
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