hey so it's lulu and I was just wondering
are there any couples planning on getting engaged yet?
i know about all the ones that are currently engaged btw. if you want it to be a surprise, just pm the wedding planner and i'll make note of it ok. if you're both expecting to be engaged then just comment and i'll make note of that too.
ps if you're getting married, just talk about it with your fiancé / fiancée and comment the date of when you plan on it.
just made this announcement because i'm building the wedding hall and i have no idea who's going to get married first /coughs. the dates are down yonder, just comment with it and i'll be happy o u o
wedding dates:
namseok (June 12 - 4:30am gmt+8)
also if you're first up, just talk to the wedding planner and we'll go from there c:
if you're a single pringle, don't worry, i'll get back to matchmaking right now! also you can talk to people and get together that way too so-
also check out the name change room that i made ;; no more fancy symbols because i'm lazy and it's just too much work u n u
alright, i'm pretty sure i got stuff covered, but if you have questions or comments about ANYTHING, just comment below ok <3
— the deer prince aka roohan aka luhan
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