In less than 40 hrs from now GAME 6 will begin.
Cornucopia Rules
Posting Rules Clarifications.
- At least 70 word per post
- No lone OOC post
- Logic behind your post
- No god-modding
- Post that inflicts injury (weapon's post)
70 word post.
The Capitol came up with this rule when we saw the unfairness of tributes getting ACTIVITY points by merely posting a few words less than the others and as you know, ACTIVITY points are one way to establish Victors of the game. The more ACTIVITY points you gain, the more chances of winning. Now this seems unfair to tributes who creates wonderful preparations to their narratives making sure their posts have very good content. If a tribute would want to gain so much ACTIVITY points, he/she would just post one letter at a time thus the increase would be ensured. Well I'm not saying that someone did this previously but just to give you the idea of what I'm talking about. It was then that the word limit was created.
No lone post.
Now this one, as linked to the same reason of gaining more points even if no RP-ing is involve. Tributes could very well just talk in OOC and still gain enough points in the end although no real relations to the Hunger Games itself. The Capitol prohibited this and considered it as just unfair to others who does not do the thing. You still can do OOC post incorporated to your RP post just place marks on it like {}, [], (), //. but never on it's own. This is RP so play.
Logic behind the post.
We came up with for the continuity of the storyline that is presented. Say for example:
Yonghwa writes. (no particular reason I'm using him because I just always do him when I make examples.)
"He sat on his wheelchair and rolled his way out of the Stabulum."
Now, now, the Stabulum (a game 3 area) are rubles of stone with no clear pavement. On top of that it's flooded so logically how would one be able to sit in a wheelchair and maneuver it with such a terrain? It was then that the Logic rule was created.
No God-modding.
We understand that no one wants to be injured all the time so tributes would dodge attacks intended for them but come on! You are not Gods that can do it each and every time. Even Jackie Chan gets hurts in his movies and he's a good fighter! So this one is very clear since you can find it at the main story and you all know how this goes.
Post that inflicts injury.
*Necessary for WEAPONS ITEMS
The rule is very vague and I made it like so because I am giving you the chance to "flight, fight or fright". If you are not going to fight (which is very illogical when someone has your neck gracing over a sword) then run but not without injury. Then off course you still have the thing where you will cower down on your knees and cry your way out of the situation. Who knows, your attacker might pity on your miserable state. That's a fighting technique too and I very much am aware of that as a disciple of the arts of self defense.
** Be reminded of the rules everyone! (ToTs and Veterans alike)
I hope i got everything here. reposted from previous game opening blog of mine. If you still have questions do not hesitate to ask as I might have forgotten something. I may not reply immediately but I will. I'm just busy preparing for the game opening so please bear with me. And yes, that's KAN's awesome body in the poster.
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