Advertisement Emblem
This works differently amongst other types of emblems. The emblems are simultaneously given depending on the number of people you recruited. Not only you would receive 20 points from each person recruited (as stated inside the Check List room) but also additional points that correspond to the emblem you achieved and unlocked. There's no time interval but a quota of recruits; therefore, no need for date of commencement post.
The advertisement tag of this rp is this.
Remember: you have to post inside this announcement:
(character name) dragged (all the recruits you have with you).
What would you post inside the point record room?
during date ended:
(character name) - Advertisement Premium (kind of emblem) Emblem - (number of corresponding points of the unlocked emblem)
Recruits - 10 = 500 points
Recruits - 20 = 1000 points
Recruits - 30 = 1500 points
Recruits - 50 = 2175 points
Recruits - 100 = 5000 points
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