Read The Highlighted Red Part......
Ey Yo.
So Chanyeol and I, were looking through other Roleplays and we bumped into something real exciting and new and I was wondering if we could add it in our Roleplay. But Chanyeol said it all depend if everyone agree because this could break some privacy rules. So here it is.
It's University's College Gossip Blog! Which basically an Admin will write a blog post, layout and all, about some latest gossip about the school. For example: If "Chanyeol" is dating "Kyungsoo" and spotted kissing "Suga", an Admin will make a juicy blog about it and you can comment on it as if you were online reading this blog. It's juicy and keep people coming back.
Now here is the problem, to get juicy details and story, we admin might have to peek in your wall and rooms. We won't insult character so no one will be called s or anything mean. But we are going to sass up your life. PM are always private so don't worry. Also people can send their juicy gossip or rumors towards any admin, it could be real gossip or bad gossip. No one know which admin is updating or neglecting or ignoring some gossips expect the admin themselves. So shoot a pm to any admin.
This is a group vote. If you want this online blog to happen. Just comment below and vote it off too. If you don't comment below and vote it off too.
If you are okay with it but rather not be blog about at all. Just state below.
If majority say no. Than it won't happen. If people say yes, than it will happen.
Convince people if you really want this. This is a small privacy invasion. You have been warned.
Comment below if you read this.
-- Min Yoongi #Swag
I am a condiented little ! #I DONT GIVE A TT!!!!!
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