Hello everyone!~ This is SugaBullet updating the weekly roleplaying schedule. This will go affective Thursday, August 28th. Anyone can start the RP. Please post 20 minutes before the RP is scheduled to start. Your first post must contain: Time of day, location, and a video/picture link to support your plot. (Only if it is an actual event that has happened) Please remember that Admins can change plot anyday they wish. 1 plot per day, unless a majority of 5 out of 7 vote that the topic is dead.
Our roleplay times will be:
Monday: 7pm-midnight
Tuesday: 7pm-midnight
Wednesday: 7pm-midnight
Thursday: 10pm-midnight
Friday: 7pm-midnight
Saturday: 8pm-1am
Sunday: 6pm-midnight
Holiday times will be in the annoncement section at least 1 week before holiday.
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