✿Theme Songs!✿



     ❝ ☯ThemeSongs☯;❀Gensokyo✿

I have links to all the creature themse songs from the Touhou games, would you all like a link to your own? I don't mind sending them~ anything to further get you guys engaged in the rp~ ^^ Also, if you ever wanna know more about Touhou just come talk to me or post on the questions page, I'm more than happy to answer and chat!

If you ask for your theme song and you're not sure if you like it, you can always go to youtube and look up some Touhou theme songs and listen to find one yourself. There are tons to choose from! Below are only a few of the hundreds of themes!

Theme Songs Compilation ~ 『LINK














❀Welcome to Gensokyo✿






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Little_Rebel_Leader 10 years ago
-raise hand- Give me all the links... I love Touhou music -is basically addicted to it-
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