* plays careless whisper bgm *
* turns off the music *
we dont need that anymore.. now..im sure that got y'alls attention, yes? Good, onto the main thing im gonna talk bout in this announcement. Todays talk; staying active
* boss mode activated *
so 20 something mins ago I just added a good amount of people to the inactives list. Those people have failed to be and stay active. You may or may not already know that once you go inactive, you get a warning. That warning being IF YOU DONT POST SOMETHING IN 2 DAYS YOU WILL BE KICKED you can rejoin of couse IF ONLY, you can be active this time and stay active. Us admins will only let you go If oh idk say like you go on hiatus or something. Thats the only exception. Other than that, POST POST POST! Also a reminder, the max amount of time for hiatus is a month! No longer.. now if you have a valid reason on why you have to be on hiatus longer than that, feel free to dm me and we will talk.
before I end this..people who have been staying active, keep this announcement In mind and also..good job on staying active *applauds * If anyone has any questions, again, feel free to dm me..
ok Hanbin out! ★
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