Okay, I'm sort of done getting complaints like this, because this has been a problem since we opened up the rp ouo.
I don't like nagging you guys, but this has to stop honestly. It's very rude of you to be rp-ing/plotting/ or just simply talking to someone and you stop talking to them because your bias appears to be active. Then you make the person you've been rp-ing with wait forever for a reply that might never even come. IF YOU'RE NOT GOING TO RP WITH SOMEONE ANYMORE, JUST TELL IT TO THEM STRAIGHT TO THEIR FACE. Instead of fricking face chasing, talking to other people and ignoring that one person. If I see this again, I will personally kick you out of this rp with no warning. I AM SICK AND TIRED OF THIS . HONESTLY. Stop being all babies. Rping is a place for people to escape reality.
AND PLEASE. JFC. Don't tell people to change their ing replies. That's rude as well, you might not think it's rude, but it is ING RUDE. Okay ? There are a lot of face characters in this rp, and if they want to be like that then okay, its a ing au rp anyways. Find another way around your problem, don't make them change a reply.
Honestly, yes, I am guilty of ignoring people. But why? Because I am getting ing piled up on the base account with complaints like this, so many fricking complaints that I can't even get the applications for dramas or fulfill all my other admin duties for that account why? I'm getting piled up with complaints like this. so stop being face chasers, faces (unless your character is a face) and ignoring everyone, or I will KICK YOU OUT.
Either be fricking honest with a person, tell them you don't want to rp with them. Don't just fricking go on, talk to your biases. DON'T IGNORE A PERSON'S REPLY, talk to other people and then log off. I will kick your . Okay? Okay.
This is suppose to be a goddamn fun rp. So start acting like the mature people and be fun rp-ers. Because I guarantee, that if you got ignored by everyone that you would be frustrated, pissed off, and annoyed by everyone. Then you will start saying about this rp that's not even close to true, SO DON'T RUIN IT FOR EVERYONE. And if this isn't fixed, I will close this rp down. Thank you.
Comment below with, "(character(s) name) understands and promises to do __ to make everyone feel welcome and not get my kicked by Myungsoo.
-- Head Admin Myungsoo
- Royal Entertainment RP Announcement
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