Hey my precious butts~
Yas we are using this ty layout aka no layout so bear with us kay.I know that we suddenly went MIA but but we have a good reason/coughs.totally not being lazy/coughs.Anyways we'll back now/throws confetti.And we are back with a new role play/cues drumrolls.Klimax v2.0.Lame but it up sweeties.
It's up to you whether you wanna join the new roleplay but trust me we aren't lying this time.We've finally gotten everything figured out so anticipate awesome events and activities in the new one.AND ITS ACTIVE.
As for those in relationship(yas stallie I've been stalking.You and chanyeol/wiggles eyebrow)it's up to you whether you wanna continue your relationship here or move to the new one and continue there with active peeps and events.
Omaigawd i blabbered so much but I'm just so excited to be back.But sweeties please do join the new one.The 2jungs will shower you guys with endless luff<333(sorry butts we aren't nabutt and habutt there anymore)
Oh and i nearly forgot the link http://www.roleplayrepublic.com/roleplay/view_desc/14591/k---------x-2-0-----w-roleplay-who-would-believe-it-s-nice-if-no-one-tries-to-join-2jungs-would-love-you-to-death-you-can-start-applying-romance-exo-snsd-apink-bts-got7
P.s this announcement is wrote on phone so it may appear weird.Please bear with it too<69
-Guess which wrote this
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