Hey everyone, admin Luhan here with our usual Monday announcement.
September already... or well, from tomorrow anyway... just where has this year gone? It's flown past! And with September, I'm guessing all of you who are at school will have started back up with your classes or are doing so over the next few days. Good luck everyone with schooling, exams, real life etc. I'm personally still battling with my health, so I know how it feels to be stressed out of your head already, XD
Anyways, the stats... this week THREE wolves were removed for gaining too many strikes, and another NINE strikes were given out. This is better than we've had in previous weeks, though like I do keep saying... the best results would be to see both of those numbers as zeros. However TWO strikes were removed this week so a huge thank you goes to Samuel and IU.
The strike list page has been updated but here it is for you all as well:
1 Strike - Dara, Dongwoo, Hyuna, Juliane, Kris, Minah, Miyoun, Niel, Ren, Sungjae, Sungjong, TOP, Xiumin, Yoona
2 Strikes - Baekho, Baekhyun, Baro, B-Joo, Chae-eun, Daehyun, Hayoung, Hongbin, Hyeongkon, Hyunseong, Jiyeon, Jungkook, Kai, L.Joe, Mark, Mika, Minhyuk, NS Yoonji, Ravi
Remember it takes TEN room posts over a post check week to remove a strike, yet only TWO room posts over a post check week to avoid getting one altogether.
We apologise for the full moon being late this week. Admin Baekhyun has been rather distracted and wasn't able to open the room when we initally said we were going to. Though when we did open it, not many people took part anyway. So I guess it was no big loss this week.
The first pack gathering event has now come to an end. I will admit I am rather disappointed by the lack of participation, especially after we recieved so much positive feedback about said event in the last survey we ran. We understand, though, that real life comes first and therefore not everyone who wanted to was able to take part. We hope that the next gathering event, which takes place in November, will be a lot more successful. However, everyone who DID take part, thank you.
It is the start of the month tomorrow, so I will be doing my usual sweep of the hiatus list and what not then. Also... from tomorrow, for seven whole days, everybody will be in heat. Not sure what that means? Check out the FAQ.
That''s about it for this week though, so unless something crops up before hand, I will see you all again in a week's time for our next Monday announcement.
Until then guys, <3
- admin Luhan
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