Hey everyone, admin Luhan here with our usual Monday announcement.
This week we took a bit of a battering with people leaving. And so the masterlist is looking a little... sparse. Hopefully we can gain numbers back, so if you know of anyone who might be interested in joining a roleplay like this one, then please do throw them the link. We know that things are quiet right now due to real life problems for many... but hopefully we can get this place up and kicking again.
In terms of the stats... they aren't disasterous by any means but they aren't great either. We lost TWO wolves for gaining too many strikes, added to the SIX wolves we lost due to leaving... that's a bit of a heavy hit. Also THREE strikes were given out whilst none were removed. Like I said... not the worst, but not the best either.
The strike list page has been updated but here it is for you all as well:
1 Strike - DO, Hyuna, Jieun, Jiyeon, Juliane, Kevin, Kris, Leo, Maimi, Minah, Mingyu, Xiumin
2 Strikes - Baekho, Baekhyun, Baro, B-Joo, CL, Gongchan, Hongbin, Hyeongkon, Hyunseong, Jungkook, Kai, Mika, Ravi
Remember it takes TEN room posts over a post check week to remove a strike, yet only TWO room posts over a post check week to avoid getting a strike altogether.
Like I said before, this place is really quiet currently. But then again RPR seems to be quiet in general, what with people going back to school, starting more serious education, work amping up with the Christmas period approaching, people going on vacation and other real life situations. We've had some suggestions about running a group plot, but we are currently unable to do so. We are already in the middle of a group plot, and therefore we cannot start a new one until the current one has finished. Also... due to lack of participation we likely won't be running another group plot until some time in the new year.
This doesn't, however, mean that you guys can't organise your own group plots. Providing they don't require the use of anything that we already supply a group plot for (for example: hunters, natural disasters etc), you guys are always free to run your own group plots. I know that there is a group plot brewing that involves Ken, Ravi, Baro, Jeongmin, Hyunseong and Hongbin... they worked it out themselves and after checking with us that the plot was okay, are going to start it soon. So if a group of you would like to run your own group plot, then feel free to, just make sure to run the plot past us if you are unsure that it would be allowed etc. Remember if you want to use rogue wolves then you have to check with us first, as is explained in the guidelines in the information section.
That's about it for this week, so unless anything crops up before hand, I will see you all again in a week's time for our next Monday announcement.
Until then guys, <3
- admin Luhan
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