stupid in love // confessions 1401-1500

The confessions Room
confess here & here
1401. Its the beautiful fact that love comes, like wind making a mess out of your heart, but instead it makes a mess out of your being. it kisses your soul and take your breath away. just like how the sleeping beauty was awakened by a simple kiss, your soul will come alive. it brings you so high up above the clouds that all your can see from above are the small lights of the city, looking like bright stars for you, but you dont realize your fear till you are dropped down, breaking. #poeticfeels

1402. REEZSH! -chokes- its my first confession,I dont know what to write but I thought i may as well come and say hi to everyone via confession, because I am too shy - minty fresh

1403. We need a donut shop where all diets are destroyed...just a thought

1404. O Sehun, Sehun, wherefore art thou Sehun?

1405. /laughs/ And you actually counted it, yeobo?? XD

1406. its that one painful point in your life that you realize Some people will only take a place in your heart, but your eyes will never have the pleasure of seeing the sunlight hit their pretty face when they wake up. and it takes so much courage to see love with all its tainted glory and still be able to love again. #poeticfeels

1407. I wish other couple could be lovey dovey in public too.

1408. I'm afraid you're falling out of love with me...

1409. No matter how smart and wise you are, you would always be stupid in love.

1410. Some people wonder about love. One will never know until they fall in love.

1411. I'm feeling a little bit of romance today. I wish i could hold your hands and dance till sunrise shines on our face.

1412. That feeling when you woke up next to your lover and watch him/her drooling and mumbling in sleep.

1413. Not all love is sweet. Just like chocolate, it can be bitter, salty, creamy, mixed with nuts and maybe sour.

1414. the bittersweet laughter slipping past those lips after rain dropped down on her head, soaking her from head to toe, trying to wash away the pain that was exhaled with each breath she let out. but it was the droplets of rain on her body that became one with the pain instead... becoming one with the salty droplets that slowly and gently made its way out of the soft brown orbs to become one with the rain on her soaked face. #poeticfeels

1415. halla and wonwoo would be so cute together ~

1416. Yeah me and Leo apologize for invading all the rooms. Mehehe. /le gives a peace sign/ #edcheeseball And yeah, Leo-yah, we'll do it again, while eternal love is being played. Hoho~

1417. Well, if all lovers can talk in rooms, wouldn't that make the place more active? Come on..just make other people jealous with your love. #orhaveintheratedroom #thatwouldbeinterestingtoo #coughs

1418. You are near, even if I don't see you. You are with me, even if you're far away. You are in my heart, in my thoughts, in my life, always.

1419. Wonwoo, I couldn't be as cheesy as a cheeseball that I know but I hope you know that I might can be the best for you- /cringes at the back; coughs/ I'm sorry, this is too awkward. But, btw, please tell your mother that I'm thankful and grateful for her for giving birth to an angel- #slapped

1420. I've come to love you for the rest of your life so don't look at other people. #fluffybootay- wait, whut? Leo, change my name now! D<

1421. bit by bit I found my feelings for you slowly change. that's a /beautiful/ lie.

1422. as I remember, happiness start with H but why mine start with U? #allhailchabootay- #kicked

1423. if people ask me what is love then I will say love is wonwoo- #kicked

1424. and if people ask me if I believe or not about the existence of an angel, I would say that I already have an angel in my life.

1425. Its scary what a smile can hide. it can be the pain of thousand needles pieced through one's soul. it can be the pain of the one punch to the gut of your feelings that knocked your soul unconscious....or it can be the shattered pieces of one's heart that are hardly trying to glue themselves together. #poeticfeels

1426. those messages for wonwoo though. fluffybootay is so sweet~ ^^

1427. a distressed heart, a sore soul and a dark night. loneliness creeps from the corners in my cold sheets, slipping next to me, holding me tightly in his arms to pull me inside the black abyss of darkness. better be in a cold hold of the night, than feeling the fake warmth of the person who disappears... #poeticfeels

1428. Heh, I feel like confessing here. Ravi's hair has changed to black and I wonder If he knows how happy I am about it.

1429. *whispers* Naeun is a goddess *winks*

1430. Halla is a cutie pie

1431. And I feel like waiting forever... At the end I'm not gonna be crispy anymore

1432. I'm chanting the melody, of which one's heart can't ever sing. that one soul that's hidden beneath the rocky mountain of broken pieces of heart. and silence, may just be the loudest scream, may be the bravest yet weakest confession anyone can hear....but they wont hear. #poeticfeels

1433. Oh kyungri wants her mommy but not her appa!? - a sad Jester

1434. I love you hyuna ... Even when you cant move its very ...../ lips/ - a ------ gang

1435. followed bcs y not lol. -Sehun. 💜💜💜💜

1436. I did it. ; u ; I finally reached the bottom of the page for the confession thingy.

1437. click Σ( ̄。 ̄ノ)ノ (I was under him coughs.)


1439. since I can't spam the spam room for like a whole year- I'll spam here. uvu

1440. but I need to do my French hw. FRENCH DORITOS WHERE ARE YOU- okno. I need to wash mah hair. THERES ANOTHER DAMN WEDDING TOMORROW.




1444. da dada dadaaad da da dada I-EEEE-III-EEE-III-EEEE-IIIIIIIII (will love ya)

1445. I was gonna like every single answer but then I realised. there's too many. ;-;

1446. hahahaha I feel sorz for whoever is updating this... orz

1447. tomorrow is our eighth monthversary. 💛 I cri.

1448. I am too obsessed with now-

1449. when you hate something but it has something you like so you're just doing the Chanyeol. (laughing/crying emotion.)

1450. y'all realise mika ain't coming back here for a while. uvu since she made another RP. orz #cries.

1451. I like potato. potato likes me. : - )

1452. and tha's all from Sehun. GOODNIGHT. I'LL BE HERE ALL YEAR!!

1453. Heat of the moment is what one might call it and it broken the lock and chains of the soul. Stupidity, that’s how the red color splashed against walls as I took the heat away from ur body. The same breath that took my own soul and body now laid in a dark abyss, lifeless. The finger released the trigger. I watched the redness ooze out of the tear of skin against the heart. and I watched ur eyes get filled with nothing but darkness. I took me and you to what one might call, paradise. #poeticfeels

1454. sorry I couldn't be on for eighth monthversary. ;-; but yeah, congrats to all of us, guise. 💛 only four months till our anniversary. ( *`ω´)

1455. 22 days to go. <3

1456. i love you... :)

1457. I will be back!

1458. We should stop making love but it's hard to stop.

1459. Where is choa and her bully? Seolhyun and her doritos? Ken and..his insanity?

1460. I've seen an rp running for more than two years. We should be like that and don't give up yet.

1461. LOVE IS 4 WA-WA-WA-WALLS. 💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜 *extreme fanboy/girling session* ; ^ ;

1462. YOU GOT ME SMOKING CIGARETTES, I'M IN STRESS BABY. 💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛 asjfksodnwodjajxkaoapxi

1463. let's sing a vixx one... idk the lyrics to only u. TT.TT

1464. ROCK UR BODAY BODAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

1465. THIS IS MY FIGHT SONG. (not literally mine.)

1466. another productive day passes by.

1467. *invades the account* ( *`ω´)

1468. we hab five followers. ψ(`∇´)ψ

1469. to continue or not to continue. that is the question.

1470. I jut realised two of my friends deactivated their account here. exe


1472. tender love. ADFHKLDJ CHEN'S VOICE.

1473. my whole life in one video: click 😂😂😂

1474. wait found another one: click

1475. Click

1476. Click 😂😂👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼

1477. silence of night shattered, wings spread wide above the sea on earth. love and lust swimming inbetween the fishes that crave to hold one another, but each hold is filled with thorns, squishing the blood out of the muscles of the other's body, spreading the red sea. matching the color perfectly with the blackness of sky. the sky that hid away the stars trying to survive.... #poeticfeels

1478. I have a feeling that our relationship will be it weird I feel that way?

1479. herro. •u•

1480. wiggle wiggle. •u•

1481. today, I watched vids of lay and OMG HIS ABBBBSSSSS AND EFFING ARRRRRMMMSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!! 👌🏼

1482. waits (im)patiently for Baek to show his next. •n•'

1483. oh yas. I like monsta x nao. they are mah bbys. < 333 💛

1484. I fell in love with shownu. •n•

1485. y'all need to listen to f(x)'s papi. 😍

1486. you got me smoking cigarettes, in in stress baby. 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍

1487. oops I meant *i'm. HAPPY HALLOWEEN.

1488. I don't even like Halloween but oh well. uvu 👻👻👻

1489. just like Odysseus, I will carry on alone. < 3 (I think that's the translated lyrics.)

1490. who has watched haru when she's with GD. 😍 she's so adorable.

1491. ppl think I'm aual when I'm not. •n•

1492. off to make dumplings. ewe buh bye.

1493. it got boring w/out a bg. uvu

1494. i will update it every few days. uvu

1495. first person: leo!! \(; u ;)/

1496. k bye bye. < 3333

1497. coughsloudlywonwooandyericoughs. imstartingtoshiptbh. myhearteuisliekohmahgawt.

1498. second person: hyuk!! \(; u ;)/

1499. I really have a confession to make. First, i want to say sorry to my love, hongbin. I lied. Since the beginning of our encounters, i lied. I don't like hyuk. I just simply shipped mina and hyuk together because i don't want my feelings to get obvious. But i still failed miserably. I love you to much

1500. Hahahaha. I made that confession sounds too serious. XD

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