vincere est totum
Information about the Roleplay
This roleplay was created based off another with a very unique variety of roleplayers and plots. With that tradition in mind, this roleplay will be the same, if not better. In order to fully understand what all happened and will happen in the roleplay, read all of the following information. It will improve roleplay quality not only for you but for those around you.

What happened to Veni Vidi Vici?

Earth - The planet is ultimately a dead space now. Humans have ventured out and integrated into other planets, mixing with other races. Essentially the human race no longer exists as with time they have adapted to other planets and are more or less seen as natives there. Occasionally one can come across a pure human, but they are usually seen as rare and thus are either very protected and of high rank or are seen as the absolute lowest of the low. Earth had tried to turn on Elitia just after the war in order to take full control which led to a small war between them. In the end, Elitia defeated and destroyed the planet even more.

Nesfervi (nes fur vee) - Vanquished. In a turning point after an Elitian invasion and mass murder, citizens started to highly question whether or not the war was worth fighting. Part of the population wanted to return to their native roots of being one with their planet and simply their planet. The other part thought it was necessary to fight in the war. It led to a great divide amongst the planet and eventually a civil war. With the government turning to shambles, Earth and Elitia took the chance at the weak point of the war to strike, attacking and killing off 85% of the population who wasn’t prepared for the battle at all. The left over Nivians escaped to Pawdinoz and Qzinea for refuge, but when Pawdinoz fell only a small percentage of the Nivians survived. The race primarily lives on Qzinea now and has integrated and mixed with the Qzineans.

Elitia (ee lee sha) - Made to sustain itself, Elitians have fared pretty well. The citizens conducted a purging just 15 years after the end of the war to rid the government of all of its corrupt officials. The civil war carried on for a century, many lives being lost on both sides. However at the end, the civilians succeeded and proceeded to create an entirely new government based on meritocracy. A test is conducted to see who will be the next ones to lead the government and its council. Based on the test, it determined what one shall do with their lives. However in a fit of fury and revenge, in 4250, Qzinea bombed Elitia vastly, thus wiping the race clear and severely damaging the planet. The Elitian race was lost.

Pawdinoz (paw deen nose) - Repaired. Once Nesfervi, their only ally, fell, the Pawdins were left to fight on their own. Though they had a strong military, the numerous kidnappings of their citizens and experimenting on them led to Elitia having weapons to match the powers of the fighters. Although a few Nivians who survived were there to help, their efforts proved ultimately too weak. The planet was at war with the enemies on their own for 2 years before finally being taken over. The men were slain in massive numbers across the planet, while the women were either killed or taken as prisoners for slavery or experimentation. While the planet is still physically there as for years Elitia conducted experiments on the land and the left over survivors, it was largely considered to be inactive for a while as the remaining Pawdins repaired and reconstructed their planet. Although the planet has fallen into a dark period for a while, the inhabitants believe that it will be lifted soon. Since then, the planet, while not nearly as strong as it once was, has risen once more.

Qzinea (q zin ee ah) - Once an example of what happens when one crosses Elitia, the planet is idolized for building itself back up secretly rejoining the war when ready to attack. Quite the force during the war, although Qzinea took no definite side, they welcomed their brothers and sisters who were ran out of Nesfervi with open arms to the planet. Their efforts to rebuild have not gone unsuccessfully and they are the only planet who came out of the war strong. Now a universal power, Qzinea is stronger than ever, holding on to their roots stronger than ever. Their motto being: “Post proelia praemia.” (After the battles, come the rewards.). Qzinea is a planet no species dares to cross, knowing that it’s very vengeful. Nearly a thousand years after their bombing, they bombed Elitia, who had been admired for attempting to fix their wrongdoings, and it is considered the start of another war.

                           The Planets of Vincere Est Totum

Pawzayan - 
Once considered Pawdinoz, the name has been changed through the centuries as the natives renamed the planet as a symbol of their new start. While religion was taken seriously in the past, it is now the prime focus of their society. The planet makes no decision unless the prophet has released word from the Gods deeming it divinely right. Around the planet there are 4 major statues representing their Gods (The Goddess of Wrath – Representing Elementals -, The God of Wisdom – Representing Mentals -, The God of Victory – Representing Physicals -, and the Goddess of Fortune – Representing Specials -). At certain times on certain days Pawzans are expected to either visit the temple or give their thanks or bow their heads for a certain period of time in the direction of the statue no matter where they are. Also on certain days there are full-fledged celebrations that light up the areas surrounding the temples. The planet is still as toxic as ever, however rather than repelling it, Pawzans embrace the natural habitat.

* The People - With a population of around 100 million, the road to recovery has not been an easy one. Due to the constant darkness of the planet, technology has been installed in the cities to provide light. Standing at a shorter height than Qzineans as a whole, Pawzans have come far both physically and culturally. With powers ranging from elemental to mental, the natives believe that their powers come from their Gods and that if they dare to disobey them then their powers will be weaker. With tattoos adorning their body that is representative of their power(s), they tend to glow when in use, and Pawzans try their absolute best to avoid covering their tattoos as they believe that if their markings are exposed then their power will be stronger.

Allies : Rommea 

Fighter Positions: 

Generals: Elemental General - Open -, Mental General - Open -, Physical General - Open - 

Medical Support: - Unlimited - 

Specialties ( They have 2 powers that fit into more than one category and thus are drafted automatically into the war): - 4 spots open -

Fighters: - Unlimited -

Qzinea II - Still on the original planet, the natives renamed it Qzinea ll to acknowledge just how far their planet has advanced. With better technology than ever, while Qzinea was once the planet of the arts, they are now considered the Renaissance planet period. While holding onto their beautiful art forms, their military is also now a very big and glorified part of the planet. Everywhere one goes there is some form of praise whether it be via painting, sculpture, music, or dance. While their planet’s cities used to be primarily underwater, there are more land cities than ever as they take in immigrants and the such freely, welcoming them to their wonderful nation, though the primary reason for the newfound land cities was when the survivors from Nesfervi came for refuge. Though over time, it is impossible to tell the difference between a Qzinean and Nivian as they have mixed races as well, only identifying as Nivian.

* The People - Not much has changed with the Qzineans other than their mindset and a wider variety of appearances to their mixing with Nivians. Qzineans have the features of the animal/underwater animal that they identify with. For example, if they identify with a shark/dolphin then they should have at least one feature of it… a fin, slippery skin, etc. Qzineans are known to be rather tall for a species, being a few inches taller than Pawzans. They are known to be very beautiful beings adorned with only the prettiest of jewels and clothes that resemble the ocean.

Allies : Dumbariya 

Fighter Positions: 

Generals: Land General - Open -, Sea General - Open -, General of the Manipulators (Those who can manipulate the sea and/or land to their will) - Open -

Medical Support: - Unlimited - 

Translators (Those who can communicate with the sea and land animals ): - 3 spots open -

Fighters: - Unlimited - 

Rommea - A rather ancient planet, Rommea is largely considered to be the mother of most planets. Having been one of the only planets to have survived and thrived for this long, Rommea has proved itself not only in war but through government and economy. Running on a classic Constitutional Monarchy, the planet and its people have long been considered to be at the peak of their existence. Many planets look up to Rommea as a goal of social, economic, and military excellence. Although the planet rarely gets into wars and never really forms alliances, they have been known to jump into wars that they consider exceptionally inhumane or threatening to the existence of a good portion of the universe. The planet has a classic architecture – in a Greek style as they inspired the civilization – and has an abundance of natural resources as well. In the past, the people would sometimes go out and visit other planets and mix with other races – thus the reason why human appearance and even culture at one point once was vastly similar to their own – but since then their trips have slowed down, though some do still venture out till this day. The planet is known to be the peacekeeper.

* The People - The people are known to be rather tall and while typically toned in structure there are exceptions. Their features are usually either really sharp or very delicate and soft with no in between. Rommeans usually have very bright colored eyes, ranging from gold to even silver irises, and their gaze is so strong that if they stare hard enough – and with the intent to do so - they can turn just about any other race to stone or even dust (this is where the Greek legend of Medusa came from). Their skin typically has a copper or golden undertone while golden and silver colored tattoos and various other markings adorn their skin. The more markings they have on the body, the higher in status they are.

Allies : Pawzayan

Fighter Positions:

Generals: Land General - Open -, Space General - Yoon Jeonghan - 

Medical Support: - Unlimited -

Prophets ( Those who can predict and/or see up to 3 days ahead, drafted automatically ) : - 3 spots open -

Fighters: - Unlimited - 

Dumbariya - A planet that is rather ancient as well, unlike any other planet with an age like theirs, they have made very little technological progressions. Not because they can’t, but rather because they choose not to. Other than their main city, the rest of the planet is covered in dense, harsh environments of which most of the natives reside. With something of a feral like mindset, Dumbariya is largely regarded as the warrior planet, in which their people are one of, if not the best, fighters in the Universe. However, rather than using that skill to take over other planets, Dumbariya is notorious for its numerous civil wars between tribes of different lands, one or two occurring every 200 years or so to wipe out a good portion of the population. Though recently the planet’s leaders have been making strides to keep the peace, however such efforts may be considered useless as not all the tribes agree with fighting with Qzinea, but are merely going along with it for now.

* The People - Despite being on one complete planet, for millennials the people considered themselves to be separated based on tribes. The tribes are separated like so:

     ** Emakus – Largely regarded as the Desert tribe, they are known for living in brightly colored huts throughout the desert. The people consider themselves to be the strongest out of all the tribes for consistently living in harsh conditions. As a sign of honor and loyalty to the resources that the desert provides them they typically keep their ears covered with some type of headdress, though the practice originally started as a means of keeping sand out of their ears during sand storms. They typically have intricate markings on their upper bodies as well. The tribe is known to fight with bladed weapons that are typically used in close range fighting.

   ** Hakips – Those that reside in the forest, while the other tribes may be particularly skilled in fighting, the Hakips are genius in medicine and agriculture. With medicine coming from native plants that can widely be considered revolutionary, it isn’t abnormal for other planet to try and replicate their medicine however it simply isn’t possible. Thus far, the tribe has done a good job of keeping their medicine secret and for their planet only until now as with the alliance – even if not all agree to it – they provide medicine to their allies. However that’s not to say that their fighting skills are subpar. The tribe typically uses long range weapons that are rather difficult to wield but accurate and powerful. As a sign of their secrecy for so many years, the Hakips typically have some type of partial mask to cover their mouths. While many foreigners used to take it as a sign of silence, the tribe not only uses intricate hand signs to speak but also have a quiet language as well that they speak through the masks with.

   ** Palits- The typically never seen cave tribe, at one point in time they were thought to not even exist and were considered to be made of by their fellow tribes residing on the planet. However, it is now known to not be true. A very secretive tribe, the palits are unique in their own way. Due to the typical darkness in their surroundings, the Palits have made a culture out of covering their eyes for long periods of times with cloth. While not all of them are blind, due to some genetics, it is not abnormal to be born without sight because they typically never use their sight to being with. The palits usually have beautiful art on their face ranging from bright to more calm colors depending on the person and rank. The tribe, despite being blinded, are excellent fighters and tend to use long, light blades (think of swords or katanas) and occasionally slightly modern technology like guns and other firing weapons. They can reside in above ground and underground caves, and usually have very complicated, spiritual ceremonies on the new moon.

Allies: Pawzayan

Fighter Positions: 

Generals ( Hand Picked by the tribe leaders ): Emaku General - Open -, Hakip General - Open -, Palit General - Byun Baekhyun  - 

Shaman ( Can be man or woman, typically of Hakip, regarded as spiritual and medicinal support/leaders ): - 3 spots open - 

Medical Support ( works under the shamen as nurses ): - Unlimited -

Fighters: - Unlimited - 




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