hi fellow neoteric layouts customer!
i'm guessing you're probably wondering why i have summoned your presence over here to the layout shop... but no fear! today could be a lucky day for you!
as a thank you and to pay respects to our supporters, neoteric layouts will be holding a CUSTOM LAYOUT EVENT! There will only be one winner amongst the favoriters of neoteric layouts.
here are the requirements to join the give away:
1. must be a favoriter of neoteric layouts
2. must fill and complete the feedback form
3. must be a user of neoteric layouts
here are the rules/conduct to join the giveaway:
1. must favorite/be a favoriter of neoteric layouts
2. must fill and complete the feedback form ↴
ㅡ we welcome new users of our layouts with opened arms \o/
ㅡ your choices on this survey WILL NOT AFFECT your chances of WINNING (!!!) This is simply just to get feedback and your entry for the giveaway!
3. the announcement of the winner will be on sunday, july 10th gmt -8 pacific coast time.
4. the winner of the giveaway wiLL get the chance to have a custom-made layout created just for their use! once the winner has been announced, i will go over details with the winner!
ㅡ the winner will get their say in what they'd like the layout to look like (color schemes, length, unlimited amounts of scrolly boxes <3, pictures)
ㅡ winner will receive a feature in the layout shop for winning, and their custom layout will be put up for show, but only usage for the winner!5. if you guys have any further questions about this giveaway, feel free to comment below! and good luck everyone <3
→ feedback form
→ FAVORITe the roleplay
the winner of the custom layout event is
c o n g r a t u l a t i o n s ! !
you are given til july 19th, 2016 gmt -8 pacific coast time to complete the form that was pmED TO YOU
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