family rp announcement 1


This is a long announcement kids, sorry
But I do have a few things to say


For those who have been here a while, if you hadnt already noticed
yes chanyeol and jimin both left and I (Ahin) have been given the rp
don't ask me the details because honestly I have no idea
The other admins, Irene and Taeyeon are both still here and helping me, so it's not in completely new hands

Thankyou to all the old people who stuck around even through everything
and thankyou to all the new people for joining and helping keep this place alive
I really do love and appreciate every one of you


There is a new padlet in the confessions room and the advice corner
partly because the old one was ran by the previous admin, this one is now adminned by me
but also because there were complaints about mean comments being written in there which called out people by name
I want you all to be able to express yourself but please be respectful of other rpers and characters
I dont want anyone to get upset here, this should be a fun place for everyone
if there is anyone you dont like, you don't have to talk to them, you can just ignore them
but dont write mean comments about them on the padlet, no one enjoys being personally attacked
try to be mature everyone, please

I also saw a few people complaining about being ignored and I would like to say a few things on that
everyone please try to make everyone else feel involved, don't just sticks to your friends/squads
but also if you do feel ignored, please dont take it personally
the chat room does tend to move pretty fast, especially at peak times, and it is highly likely that people may just have missed you
I understand that it can sometimes be intimidating when everyone else seems like friends already
but I assure you 90% of the people here are really friendly and don't want you to be left out either
if you still feel left out, you can always pm me and I will personally try to make sure people notice you more
I do try my best to rope everyone in, but this is a busy place and I have a lot to do here so it can be hard for me too


There will be a pool party event over this weekend (by yutakas request)
this will bascially be a room... where we have a pool party - yup
we will also have games there (which will be a surprise heheh), also if you want to suggest games to me go ahead and I will consider them
if this is succesful we will probably have similiar events over the summer
if it isnt so succesful then feel free to send me any suggestions you have for events (or even if it is, I always appreciate you guys' imput on anything)

Thankyou everyone for reading~ ♥


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BABYelfArmy_Fan 8 years ago
Thank you ^^ I really like this place Nd hope it stays for a long time! <3
acuteassmess 8 years ago
You're amazing <3
ssaram 8 years ago
Ahin my love is the best <3
ur_mai_ginger 8 years ago
Can i wear thongs to the pool party? #guesswho
744c85d616a8f6697627 8 years ago
mina has read this
and is excited about the pool party
_twice_ 8 years ago
Nayeon claps..
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