so as everyone knows it's been pretty quiet around here sooo in hopes of better activity, we're going to do a quick revamp and activity check as well as a mini event. bc whY NOT KILL ALL THE BIRDS WITH ONE STONE. if the rp disappears for like half an hour this weekend- don't freak out.
activity check - get 50 more posts ( we'll be changing everyone's points to 0 by tonight 10-11 pm gmt-8 time. and you have 4 days to get the posts. --jul. 20 by 7-8pm gmt-8. if you have 2 characters then you must get 50 more with both. people on hiatus are exempted but hey if you get the posts too- you can have a cookie.)
++mini event - dp event. 3 categories, pick the one you want to partiipate in the most. and have it as your dp. we will vote within 3-4 days so submit your photos in this room by jul. 20.
categories are - cute, y, funny (may eliminate a category if too few people sign up)
-- thanks guys < 3 have fun, play safe. look both ways when crossing the street. any random event suggestions, post below.orjust say hi.
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