Auction Event X
A. Below are the winning bidders.
ϗ Ashley Purdy
1. ᾟ Rina - 60 pts
2. ₰ Shannon William - 60 pts
ᵹ Christina Aguilera
ᾟ Norman Reedus - 40 pts
ϕ Henry
Himself - 200 pts
ϕ Hong Jonghyun
1. Himself - 50 pts
2. ϕ Lee Soohyuk - 50 pts
1. Himself - 20 pts
2. ᾟ Doyoung - 10
3.ϗ Asmodae - 10
4. ϗ Sangmin - 10
5. ₴ Mengjia - 20 pts
ϕ Yura
ʥ Suga - 50 pts
ϗ Asmodae Kane
₰ Ju Jae Hyeon - 300 pts
ᾧ Shin
ϗ Baekhyun - 100 pts
ϕ Myoui Mina
ᾟ Park Seulki - 700 pts
1. ₰ Kim Jaewook - 15 pts
2. Ψ Kim Heechul - 50 pts
ϕ Mingyu
1. ₰ Jungkook - 10 pts
2. Ϣ Kim Donghyun - 50 pts
Ψ Woozi
Ѯ Hansol - 10 pts
Ψ Kim Heechul
1. ᾟ L.Joe - 250 pts
2. Ѯ Jensen Ackles - 250 pts
Ψ Dasom
Ψ Minghao - 20 pts
Ѯ HongBin
ϗ Harry Shum Jr - 800 pts
ᾟ Hansol
₰ Taeyong - 10 pts
ᾟ Park Hwanhee
₰ Sehun - 15 pts
₰ Kim Jaewook
1. ₰ Joshua - 25 pts
2. ₰ Nam Joohyuk - 25 pts
B. Please remember that you can't do any serious harm or kill the item.
C. We will calls Masters and Items to IC Room.
D. If you send the same bid for the same item and you didn't win it means that the winning bidders send his/her bid first.
E. You can have them for 2 weeks or until the next bidding schedule.
Note: In this special event, creatures can't buy other creatures permanently. Unlucky creatures can't reserve/buy unlucky friend permanently. This event just applied for two weeks and the next event will became normal event. If you have more questions, kindly approach any Admin.
*Lucky creatures: Vampire, Werewolf, Angel, Demon, Incubus, Succubus, Siren, Witch
*Unlucky creature: Kitsune & Human
Thank you for all those who sent their bid that didn't win.
Please indicate your chara if you have read this.
Thank you
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