Hey all my beaufitul, amazing roleplayers. I'm going a little out of the normal and going to just be super honest about why I have to go away for a couple days.
About 7 weeks ago I noticed something was changing terribly about my body. My hunger increased dramatically, my use of the rest room was way to frequent and I was getting super sick with migraines and vomitting almost everyday. I was crying and felt like my body was killing itself. Let alone did I know that my body was adjusting to diabetes. I was breaking down, becoming serously mean and I would get violent if I got upset when I was hungry. I'm a danger to myself cause I cant control my own blood sugar, I'm a danger to people around me cause I cant control what I may do to them if I get hungry. This sounds crazy right? I'm super irrational when I'm hungry. No isnt an option.
3 years ago as well I was diagnosised with Chronic to Severe Migraines. Those made me even more violent when I'd get them. My child was constantly being taken by my mother because I couldn't take care of him when these headaches would start. I was a bad mom up to a year ago, they started giving me daily shots that helped them... or so I thought. Now I'm having nerve issues. I cant control the right side of my body sometimes. It's hard to take care of my son, myself and my animals cause the right side of my body will literally NOPE when my nerves just give up. I'm in pain from wake to sleep.
Starting tonight, I'm leaving for 3 days to be put in a coma. After 3 days, I will be woken to hopefully a working body. It sounds scary? I'm scared less but I need to do whats right for my little boy. Please say prayers for me and hope I come back fixed.
Thank you guys. I love all of you! Please redirect all questions and concerns to GRAY or even Jimin and Sehun if you think they can help you. Thank you guys so much.
“ Pray for H.A Minhee! ”
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