***// appreciation project for nichiren


Nyello friends and family- strangers and all. We’ve all been through the many crashes of rper and yes we all get frustrated but maybe stop and realize all the times it’s been fixed for us, by one person and always one person. Nichiren. My friend and I just thought it’d be nice of us to write a little thank you to the creator of this site for all he’s done for us and time he’s spent here running the website. So below, there’s a padlet linked to where we can just, write kind messages thanking the creator of this website. The posts will be moderated to prevent trolls but feel free to leave, pictures, gifs, songs, or anything to express your thanks.

It'd be great if you could forward this to your friends, or place this as announcements in your rps as well. Do share this with others on roleplayrepublic for we’re hoping for a large turn out. PLEASE DO WRITE SOMETHING BEFORE CHRISTMAS. HOeHOeHOe






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Pieceofpoop 8 years ago
can i put a meme in
Pieceofpoop 8 years ago
what does thismean
realllllmino 8 years ago
oooooh yEA
mondayblues 8 years ago
jimjamz and seojin havw read this and i shall write a message to him soon eue
jaehyvnz 8 years ago
jennie read this and have written a post alr e n e
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