The wait, I mean. the wait is over huehue
an Event to get y'all together
finally, right?
what: A camping trip!(lowkey we're just gonna throw you out the wilderness and let y'all die jkno)
when: January 27-30; 4 days
where: In a forest far, far away from your comfrot zone
who: Everyone here of course ' u '
camping out
Hey fam! So we are going to have that camping trip y'all wanted after who knows how many years y'all waited- coughsjustweeksbutyeahcoughs It's going to last 4 days, spanning from friday to monday! Y'all are going to be grouped by the facilitators (us obstreperous green named people ofc huehue) and you'll stay in that group for the whole trip. Of course, there'll be games the whole event, like truth or dare (y'all love this game don't deny it. lol)charades and some other 'stuff'. Don't ask what those stuff are, pmsl. Y'all need to play the games if you want to survive the camp or else we really are gonna throw you out the wilderness- jkno huehue. The points in the rooms (except for the rooms for the event) will be disabled. ' u ' Anyway, please do comment down and state how active you'll be on a scale of 1-10 if you're joining the event! We'll be waiting for your answers until Wednesday, yeah?
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