┆P E N D U L U M┆» important please read

hello, it is your main admin jimin here. aren't you surprised to see a new announcement oho e u e

anyways, the sole reason of this notice today is to inform all of you that i have to shut down this place. i remember i promised a revamp, but i'm deeply sorry that i can't keep up my own words. life has just getting started for me, and i don't think i'll be able to revive this place just as it was before. besides disappointment i had from lack of enthusiasm for events and the mundane state of my activity these days, it must have been the end for the place already. it is hard for me, too. the thought had been circling in my mind for weeks; i'm so worried of your feelings upon this but again, i'm sorry.

you may skip the rest of announcement because i'm just gonna ramble from here lol. there have been so many, no, countless memories i have gained from here and i truly, emotionally appreciate it. i knew none of you guys back then but holy , i love each and one of you at the first sight. you're all precious in your own way and you helped to keep the rp grow to its success (though it doesn't last long, but what matters is your effort!). the padlet-- oh god. i never had such big laugh from any family i've been a part of on his site. you have no idea i'm actually touched and got so emo from all those sweet loving words w heezes. i swear you guys made my days infinite times better and even when i had my down moments, i could log into here and y'all got me to stand on my two feet once more. to be honest, it warms up my heart to see you enjoyed yourselves here, interacted with everyone and made them feel welcomed then little did i know, we have become a big family.

aye, things come and go you know. i have acknowledged that i'm incapable of keeping our home any longer, so i hope for the rest of you to respect this decision. if anyone wishes to take over then just hit me up, it's not too late. i'm gonna close it down this wednesday, so for the few days you may have some time to sort out things. thank you, a humungous thank you to everyone who participated in the rp, the events, or simply had fun here. you are amazing, i really can't thank you enough only with this writing. i love you gays ♡

signing out,



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reves-moi 7 years ago
Baek here to say I love you. This was home for me.
You are amazing, and thank you.
apricities 7 years ago
i cant even begin to express the sadness - and the shame - that i feel about this place. sadness for seeing it go, but shame for making no attempt to ever revamp it. my muse never died - i just .. i can't even say. i will miss this family to bits; i loved this place so so much. and i'll always bug you on kkt chimcham you cant escape me ever-
peachtarte 7 years ago
Gooooooood I feel so sad I didn't want this place to end just yet ;;
neveragain 7 years ago
oh ny, where to begin ;;;;;;
last time i felt at home in a roleplay was a year ago and it changed within a span of a few months. this place though? it has been an unwavering home for me, a true haven where i knew that i could come back to amazing people and amazing ambiance. pendulum became my family, became my all time favourite roleplay i have ever been in. thanks to you and your hard work, i've been given a chance to meet amazing, detailed roleplays, i've been given a chance to meet the most lovely people i now consider friends. i love pendulum with all my heart and i...i want to thank you for creating it. many people moved on with abo to moon lust but i've been there briefly and it's nothing compared to pendulum and how comfortable this place it made me feel. i just realised i never upvoted the roleplay with my new account rip but even if you close it, i'll do it. because it's the least i can do to show my appreciation and how much this place means to me. good with irl and don't feel bad about it ㅡ nothing really is infinite [ except for 7 idiots from woolim ] and sometimes it's time to close some chapters. i'm glad i still have the majority of the fam at latibule so we can stay in touch. thank you once again, chimchim. just thank you. and for the last thing i want to say that...
iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii i iiiiiiiii wiiiil alwaaaaayyysss looooooveeeee youuuuuuuhuuuuu iiiiiii wiiiillll aaaalll wayssss loooove yoUuuUUuUUU~
EUNOIAHTTP 7 years ago
halo hon! honestly i'm so thankful for this place. i've been away in rpr for so long and i remember being down when i came back bcos i can never fit in anywhere! and then this place opens and i think i was the...third? to apply and this place was just so wonderful, everyone became my family and i'm so very very thankful that you created this place, i guess its the same as everyone else when i say this brought me up from the dumps a LOT. thank you for trusting me and making me co-admin! the memories will be treasured very very much. ♡\( ̄▽ ̄)/♡
amadeus 7 years ago
S hoots hearts at you ♡♡♡
I've seriously never loved an rp as much as I love this one. Thanks for all your hard work *3*
kkuma-kun 7 years ago
I love you, chimchim. wish I could admin but I at coding, always on mobile and rip life. Orz
I love you for opening this place and can't thanks enough for I've met amazing people here and got the chance to meet two people I hold close right now. Thank you for everything up till now.
TY-Track 7 years ago
I— weeps loudly
I'll miss it so much cries
I love you too, and love everyone here. ;-;
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