Good morning kids!
First thing, where are you all at? I feel like I haven't most of you in hella long; actually there's a lot of you guys that have gone inactive, I just don't have the heart to kick you out - w oo ps
Secondly, oh, I was going to do another event, but no one said they were interested so I'm not sure. The only thing is that a few people said they wished they could have entered the photo contest, but since we just had one, I supposed I should wait a bit until we have another one.
If you missed the winners and stuff from the last events, those are up under extras, so feel free to take a look, as always, if you did win anything, you are welcome to have a little icon on your name/give one to someone else.
I do want to get you guys more active again though, I miss you all a lot. I know I still don't have much energy these days, but I always try my best, so if there's anything I can do that would get you interested, I'll do my best to have a go. I think little things would be easier for me though, but if we can get enough people together to play things like cah or tod again, that would be fun.
Also please do let me know if you need a hiatus; I know I'm relaxed with activity sometimes, but if you are inactive and have already had a warning, it's fair game for me to kick you out; so if you don't want that to happen, do let me know.
I hope I can see you all again soon; you know I love you guys
; ; ; ; ; ; ;; ;
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