Hiya everyone, um, so this is not Elison. This is her sister!
A couple days ago Elison burned her hand really badly which lead me to taking her to the hospital. She has second degree burn on the palm and fingers of her entire left hand. Today the doctors decided to do a split thickness skin graft on her palm, she is curently in surgery for that now. She has been in surgery for about 30 minutes, so you guys pray it all goes well.
What this means is Elison is going to be in the hospital for a few days, then she won't be able to type for about a week to 2 weeks, as well as she won't be able to use her palm for about 4 weeks.
And she is left-handed.
So if you roleplay with her she is going to be gone for about 2 weeks.
Now for admining, since she is going to be out for 2ish weeks I will be login into her account to help out all the rps she is a admin at. So if you see this account on line don't get excited its probably just me.
She hopes you guys will understand the situation and please forgiver her for being away. She sends her love.
If you are dating one of her charaters please comment below, if not you don't have to.
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