so like the title says i'm revamping the place. pops party poppers and throws confetti and pops champagne bottles. anyway, the main point is that WILL BE UNDERGOING AN ACTIVITY CHECK and here's how it's gonna work. you'll have a week to gain 150 points on your first character, 75 on your second. the activity check will begin at 12:30 am october 18th pacific standard time (gmt-8), and will end on october 25th at 12 am (gmt-8). you may not ask for a hiatus during the activity check.
other notes:
- I've recently updated the hiatus list and the character requests. i've gotten rid of everyone's warnings, so you all have a clean slate. that being said hiatuses and second characters will be strictly enforced from now on so be wise about asking for a second character.
- i've privated hella rooms, so if you want one of them back up please tag me or pm me.
you don't have to comment that you've read this, just make sure you do the activity check if you'd like to stay.
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