A few things


♦Please check in in the activity check room if you haven't already. I know it's been a couple of weeks since main admin started the activity check so if you already did then no worries.

♦I will be closing the activity check tonight. Anyone who hasn't checked in and has been inactive for longer than a month will be removed unless they are on the hiatus list. 

♦If there are any couples here aside from my three please let me know. I'd like to add you to either the couples room or adoption room depending on which fits your relationship better. 

♦I was thinking that with our main admin kinda MIA, maybe I should start our first heat week. I'm going to message the main admin and ask her but if she doesn't reply in a couple days I'll have to decide on my own if I should start it or not. What do you guys think?

♦I apologize for not being as active as before. I'm running two rps (this one and my own) all by myself. Plus, I have characters in other rps. So, sometimes I get distracted or replies get buried. I'll try to do better though.

♦If any of you have questions, complaints, or even just need someone to talk to (about anything even not rp related stuff) feel free to PM me. Sometimes it just helps to talk to someone that isn't involved or has a different perspective. I say this because in another rp I'm in someone was upset and I was the only one that stepped up to talk to them. It seemed to help them a lot and I have no problems listening when people need someone. Plus, I know it'd be nice to have someone to talk to and not judge when I am upset. (is this weird?)


Anyway, I think that's it for now.

Co-admin Jihoon


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