coughs hello coughs. it’s been a month since the last announcement, and this one is serious /kinda/.
if you haven’t noticed but us admins are becoming more and more busy in our ooc lives, and because of that i will be leaving the co admin position. but that’s not what this announcement is actually about tho haha, our main admin has requested and ask all of you that if anyone will be willing to take the co admin positions?
we need someone who can update things around the rp and be able to keep conversations going on in the chat room. just someone to be a good co-admin because i couldn’t continue with this position, i apologise.
so basically:
— two new coadmins needed.
we, the admin line, humbly ask you all for your help because we really do not want this place to die so soon. i shall be leaving the position tomorrow so mina mina can add two more wonderful co ads in replacement. but ye, this might just be my last announcement for now.
so ye, have a good day/evening/night!
— xiulaykai
p.s. sorry if it was long i tried to make it short i’m cri ; u ;
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