Hello Slave, es, customers and the help!
yay! our first announcement! We will be having a Meet, Greet and event/activity check!
We have had many complaints that the customers aren't on very much and play with our poor things, so admin Woohyun and i have both decided we are hopefully going to change that. We will be having an event where customers can come in and meet any slaves or es, and at the end of the day, take them back to their room and have some one on one time with them. You must have 4 posts interacting with each slave and e the least amount of sentences will be 3, we want to make sure that we all are invovlved here. Everyone is to participate, and people who do not even paritcipate will be kicked out. If you do not meet the requirments there will be probation. We are also reducing the inactivity days to 12 days instead of 17 and are now accpeting only customers for awhile. Thisย will go on for 5 days in rl life and only add up for one day in the rp. On the fifth day the customer can chose who he wants to take to bed with him, if there is more than one slave/e wanted, you roll twice for him, and whoever adds up to the highest number gets him.ย
Please respond if you have read this and if you have any concerns brign it up to both me and Woohyun. This will start when i put up the room for our event, so be on your toes.
Thank you,
Headmaster Hyunseung
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