
Hello, everyone! In order to save the need for a mobile version, there's no fancy layout for this announcement, but you should still read it. Our first official ꒚tබƦdƯ꒚t event begins tomorrow! Don't worry, it's not anything super big, or very interactive. The main plot is that the Solar System Police (SSP) are scouring every planet in the Solar System (besides Earth) for an extremely dangerous criminal, and in order to stay out of their way (or just to go on vacation) a few members from all alien species have decided to take an impromptu trip to Earth. 

In order for this event to work, more rooms will be added under the Earth tab of the roleplay. We'd like for you to use them, but you're free to RP on the other planets as well (and there is a room request here if you need anything added). Participation is not absolutely necessary, so don't worry if you're busy, or simply don't feel like joining.

As for the In-World rules of this event, aliens must remember not to reveal themselves! (Outside of the World rule is - you can totally reveal yourself by accident, or on purpose, if you so desire. eue Might make for some interesting interaction with our Earthlings). You must also refrain from criminal activity, and harming of the Earthlings. Although the SSP typically stays out of Earth's radar, a largescale event could cause them to change their mind, so watch out!

That's all for now - be on the look out tomorrow for another announcement when the event officially starts! An end date has yet to be finalized, so consider your Earth vacation indefinite.

- Admin Jaehyun



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