announcement 01
Hello fellow Stargazers! I'm glad that a majority of you are having a blast here, but there are still a few of us that feel excluded. I understand that it's easy and comfortable to have tunnel vision when you enter the chat. I get that sometimes the chat is moving too fast so it's easiest to talk to a few people at a time. It's easy to skim past certain posts that don't pertain to your current conversation. but if we could all put a little more effort into opening our eyes a bit more and respond to more people, that'd be great. Don't feel attacked by this post please I just want to make sure everyone feels welcomed here. And If you're already trying your best, I applaud you. I see you.
That being said, I know I'm not perfect when it comes to this either. If I ever made anyone feel excluded I apologize. If you ever have an issue with the way I roleplay/speak in chat, please hit me up with constructive criticism in my pm's. I'll appreciate it :)
That concludes this announcement. If you read this, please comment... anything tbh. Thanks for your time.
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