` announcement #06
activity check: alrighty, looks like it's that time of the month again. we're having an activity check! in order to do this, you'll have to get 100 pts, report over to the activity check room (click) and comment that you've done it. everyone's points have been set to 1.
duration : 1/27 - 2/03. (i week).
faqs : stuffs that'll most likely be asked.
⨯ all of your characters must get 100 points.
⨯ if you haven't gotten the points within the given time but are active, there is an acception. all your characters must have at least 85 points, and have been active within the past 5 hours when the check is done. .
⨯ everyone must complete the check. even if you're on hiatus/semi-hiatus. if there's a problem, leave a comment on this announcement.
what's coming soon? : vday evenT!
⨯ a vday event will be held right after the activity check, so be ready to see another announcement with those details.
etc: you may adopt a child if you have been in the rp for 1month and have 1k+ points. this will be added to the desc of the rp soon.
thanks for reading! ー if you have any other questions and such, leave a comment on this announcmeent. + pls let us know that you've read this too in the comments.
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