` announcement #07
activity check: alrighty, thank you everyone that's completed the check! you can check the comments to see who's currently available to rp. If just so happens that your alt got removed, it means that you didnt compl the check for the them. if you have questions//concerns, feel free to drop a message.
updates : nothing special really. just a new look to the description if you haven't seen yet.
⨯ a notice board room will be made to keep you all updated with the things that go on around the rp. (under information - TBA)
⨯ changed the inactivity to 10 days.
vday event: something small and simple. this isn't required to take part of but it'd be really awesome if you did! (click)
stickers : i changed the layout to the sticker sheet. if you want the updated sheet, please let me know in the comments! every person that wants the updated sheet will be notified when they get theirs processed. just be patient pls!
thanks for reading! ー if you have any other questions and such, leave a comment on this announcmeent. + pls let us know that you've read this too in the comments.
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