Just an Update and a Request~?


Greetings! Admin Yu here!

First off, greetings and welcome to all the new members of the BPC family. We've had some come and go lately but I'm sure that I can say on behalf of all the admins that we thank you so much for joining us and hope that you have a wonderful time here! If you have any questions, please, don't hesitate to ask.

Secondly, to all of the BPC babies (I copied this from one of my older announcements and I still want to refer to you all as (my) babies for some reason. I'm not sorry. family members that have been here with us for a while now, thank you for sticking it out with us. Again, the same goes for you all; if you have any questions, or even concerns, please, don't hesitate to let us know.

I know that I'm not the best admin and I know that the other admin are extremely busy. It does seem like it's exam time for everyone but I wanted to try and do something for everyone to help get this place a bit more lively again. I guess that's the best way to put it. I want everyone to feel loved and have a bit of fun here. That being said though, I'm not sure what I should do. I'm trying to get ideas together for something that's fun and not so difficult or time-consuming for everyone dealing with work and school and just everything really.

So, is there anything that you all would be interested in doing? Like an event or a store opening. I do think the store may need to be updated? Are there games you guys would like to play? You can comment here or even send a PM to me (admin Yusaku) if you really want to spell it out for me. Commenting down below might be better though so that everyone can see it and just kind of talk about it.

I was considering mentioning an activity check because I've noticed that, at least lately, it hasn't been many episodes at all but it seems the admin have come across some situations where it's not easy to tell who is still here and who isn't, also as in which characters are available and who isn't. I have noticed a few times that we have at least a couple of people that haven't checked in here in like months so there's also that.

I'd just like to hear some opinions and ideas so that I can go to the other admin and talk to them about some things everyone would be interested in doing. Please, let admin Yu know. Help me out a little, guys. ;w;

Remember that no matter where you are, who you are, or where you come from that you are loved and cherished and that you matter. ♡


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Insanely_Yours 5 years ago
Well I feel loved
Beomks 5 years ago
Games sound like fun! ;3;

..... also I'm the only baby here e^e
peterdunwannagrow 5 years ago
I am so stuck atm but maybe I'll directly send some suggestion when I got some idea~~
aureate-dewdrops 5 years ago
Mm... games are fun! But I wouldn’t know what games-
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