Hello everyone, admin chae/jimin/wheein here.
No fancy layout because this is simply an announcement where I address some issues that have been brought to my attention within the chat room.
Now, I cannot force everyone to talk off-tags because that's just unrealistic, people will take on and off tags and sometimes you're just going to have to deal with it.
BUT I will say, please do (and I've noticed over the past few days it has gotten better) try to associate with everyone who walks in so no one is left out.
For those who have sent in the concerns, do understand that in some situations, some people just dont exactly want to talk off-tags all the time or they are busy and only have time to reply to one person rather than try to keep up with an off-tag post. if the chat is moving fast and this person is busy, you can't expect them to keep up with it. hence forth, the tag.
I'll admit, I do this when I'm busy with school work. I'll stick to tags because even if the post was an hour ago, I can always get to it faster than one that isn't on tags.
Either way, people please be considerate of one another & talk both off and on tags when you can <3
if anyone has any issues is regards to any drama, rules, or whatever, please do PM chaeyoung.
I'm not happy with the fact that I have to address this concern through someone else rather than the person who initiated the topic.
if you aren't going to PM me about the issue yet continue to complain in chat or wherever, I'm going to lay down a hard hand and have to act more like an admin than a friend.
NO this is not directed at anyone in particular. NO I'm not targetting anyone, I'm just saying I've posted this in the chat before yet somehow I'm still seeing concerns yet my inbox is d r y .
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