>>Beware Long message alert from your Capten


Ahoyyy~ heh heh Hello, it's me your Capten speaking! and this will probably be the very last time I will be saying that... as you may have noticed according to the other announcements from the other captains, it's time to let this Tech Tech ship retire. All the captains have talked privately and have decided to let our lovely odyssey come to an end. I, as a captain, want to give a closure for this place. Saying goodbye is quite hard for me especially since I came here the moment this place was still setting up and preparing to set sail. I can remember how all us admin and the creator of this place worked together thinking of an idea for the theme of Tech Tech. The moment we were able to let it set sail, It started so small before everyone began joining. I was so excited because It became a very active ship hold. It was like the hard work we did when setting this place up is finally being rewarded. 

I can remember it just yesterday how us admin's worked hard trying to hype up the place and how we all became close. March 5th, 2018 was the time when this place started to open. One of the best moments that time was when we all gave each other a group hug and also dine together at the diner. I will always cherish that moment because that was the rarest moment to have a complete Ot18 at that time. One of the laughters I had was when all the dreamies had to attend classes. It was fun watching how our lovely Taeyonggie made you all learn science and how one of the former hyungies was teaching you all a lesson and giving quizzes about Disney characters. I could remember back then when I was just your co-captain that time, how I changed everyone's pictures into derps and blamed it on one of the other admin's who was online.. heh Another time was when going to our first destination which was going to Jurassic world together.. Chittaphrrr... haha... such good times.

To the ones who remained here since the very beginning...Jaehyun, Jisung, Mark, Johnny, Renjun, Jeno, and the creator of this ship, Taeyong... I truly want to thank you all for being part of this adventure since day one. To the rest of the other former members, If only they were able to read this... I just wanna say that I am truly thankful as well. Its been like a year and almost 4 months already for this Tech Tech ship hold. So many ups and downs had happened in this place but you all still remained here even when you watched how others come and go. We all had our tough moments, even I had my moments of defeat and sometimes wish to go back in time wanting to change my mistakes. 

To the ones who joined here during and after the revamp when I became your Capten... Doyoung, Yuta, YangYang, Haechan, Jaemin, Chenle, Jungwoo, Lucas, Winwin, and Taeil... I truly am thankful for you guys for giving this place another opportunity to make it active again after the revamping. I am grateful to get to know each and every single one of you and be able to welcome you guys. I know it may not have been that long for you guys to join this place, but you guys were still able to imprint your existence in this ship hold. I enjoyed having an adventure with you guys when going to Vancouver and Chicago. 

To Mark, Jisung, and Taeyong... Thank you so much for not giving up on this place and helping me give this place another shot. Being one of the head leaders for this ship is hard so I'm glad to call you my lovely crew mates when revamping this place.

You all are family to me and I love you all very much...Thank you for being part of my life. I will never forget each and every single one of you. Instead of considering this goodbye...since I don't want you guys to be sad... I will say "See you guys around." I will make sure to individually hug you all in your walls so don't cry or you will make your capten cry...

Well, I guess that is all I have to say. Thank you for taking the time reading this whole message. You guys are the best. Always walk tall and never let anyone or anything pull you down. You all are special and important in many ways. If you ever need to talk to me you can always hit me up on KKT or even here... I won't leave until everyone leaves. 

Your Lovely Capten, Angel hyungie, TenTen, Tennie Signing Off <3


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pandabeardance 5 years ago
I am so sad ;;
peterdunwannagrow 5 years ago
I just... I dunno UwU
dprlive 5 years ago
yuta: take care evERYONE HERE I LOVE YALL :"""((((
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