Hey all! Its your head admin speaking.
We as the admin team are working on a Halloween event to be taken place on the 21st through the 31st. The event will be a lot of things combined. The first five days will be a concert such as what the trainee showcase was. And then there will be a contest as well. This time around the pre-debut groups are highly encouraged to perform together as a group. They can also do individual performances. Voting will go like this:
1st place for a pre debut group everyone gets 400 points
1st place for a side act: 400
2nd: 300
3rd: 200
These performances are encouraged to be spooky or Halloween themed though not a requirement. We will be hosting a movie night or two where we rabbit and watch a Halloween movie. My availability will really differ but when we get closer to that time I will give out a couple of dates and times where I can and you guys can sign up for the times you can attend. Finally, there will be a two day Halloween ball the 30th and the 31st with a Halloween costume contest. The points will be the same as the concert. How this will work is you will change your dp to that of who your costume is. This can be an irl picture of your idol in a costume or this can be just the picture of the character. How to enter is when we set up the event there will be a "red carpet room" this is where you will walk in introduce yourself even play the character a little bit if you so choose and whatever you can to stand out. Besides the costume contest, we will be having music and dancing with your friends and all that. Its a big dance! This we will be hiring 4 or 5 judges. If you would like to be a judge please let us know in the comment section. Just make sure you will be active during the event.
Anyway if you have questions ask an admin! And if you think you can attend let me know! Do specify if you can be be at the ball or the concert or hopefully both!
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