Hi, everyone!
It's been a long time, I know. I've been popping up a bit more lately and I was reminded of how much I miss everyone here!
Welcome to all the new kids, even though you've probably been around for a while at this point.
Hello again to all the older members of the BPC family.
I was going to ask a bunch of questions and possibly talk about why I wasn't around much but, more than anything, I just wanted to say hello and tell you guys that I've missed you. I hope that I can be around more again, even if it's just for monitoring and answering questions and setting up the games. I'd even be willing to throw in an event or two if you guys wanted.
But I do hope that everyone is well and that, if you maybe haven't been, things are looking up for you. Just keep in mind that, when we feel low sometimes, just standing up to fight back can help up realize that we weren't so far away from our escape at all; that it's a lot closer in our reach than we think it is.
If anyone wants to RP or just chat, I'll be around~ ♡
Remember that no matter where you are, who you are, or where you come from that you are loved and cherished and that you matter. ♡
With love,
Admin Yu ♡
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