read me pls; hewwo hewwo, it is that time of the moth where our monthly activity check will take place. unlike the past ac, this time, I will require a point requirement for all to fulfill the check. each character will have to get 150 points. no, i did not change your points to 1, but rather, it is your responsibility on posting in the ac room when you are done. I've already logged down everyone's points right now, so if you lie -- you cannot u.u everyone is required, including admins too.
those that are marked inactive will receive a notice stating that they will need to do the ac, but if there is no response within 48 hours, they will be removed from the rp.
check the ac room under information TAB on how to fulfill it. the ac willl last from 3/3 - 3/10 11:59pm GMT -10 time. you will be required to get 150 points.
+ you will not be able to gain points through spamming.
++ please do not post in the rooms. please.
some other stuffs to note down, i made new chatrooms and changed up the layout to the rp. hence why you may not find anything in the tags in the room. if you have any questions about the rp, ac, or things in general, please don't hesitate to ask!
+ please pelase don't forget to comment that you've read the announcement!
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