Important update
We added two new rules to the roleplay as of today (15sept). They could be seen as strict but the current situation needs them as customers stopped trialing bfs and bfs started dating each other. The rules will be removed after the rp gets back to a normal pace.
♡ Rule 1
Customers must trial 1-2 boyfriends per month. Failing to do so will end with a warning. They will be given 2 weeks time to trial someone or they'll risk being removed.
- This doesn't apply to customers who already purchased a boyfriend or customers who are in a relationships with other customers - though we encourage you to trial as well if you are open to polygamy/open rs or a fun third in the bedroom.
-Remember, first trials are free and customers can trial multiple bfs at the same time or trial a boyfriend which is already in a trial with someone else. Also paired boyfriends ( those who are in a rs with others boyfriends) are available to be trialed and purchased. (just make sure you ask ooc first in this case.)
♡ Rule 2
Dating ban between boyfriends for one month. Boyfriends are encouraged to try finding customers first before dating other boyfriends.
General dating ban is set for 2 weeks.
Exception for those moving in couples from other rps and such.
Comment below if you read. PM Baekhyun for any issues regarding this change.
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