Hello, everyone~ ♡
Just a couple of things to point out.
Admin Duties
It's come to the admin team's attention that we've needed to clarify just what it is that each admin does or, in other words, who it is that you can tag for what. We've comprised a list, if that helps. Of course, should it be necessary that we help one another out, we will do so but the list is to help give you an idea of who your main tag should be if you need help with any of the following.
Dongwoo: Requests (Rooms & Houses)
Jiyong: Shopping Center
Changwook: Hiatuses
Yusaku: Games (and/or Events Points)
We all will be assisting when it comes to applications and other things regarding the Masterlist. So, if you need a character added, name change, character/faceclaim/muse change, etc., you can let any of us know and we will get to it as soon as we can.
Club/RP Events
Another thing is ideas for upcoming events. What are some things that you would think are fun as an event? Suggestions and ideas are highly welcome. Although this is a -based RP, you don't have to be focused on having events centered around that. Keep in mind that events are not necessarly activity checks but they can definitely double as one so, even if participation is not required of an event, we may still look for a response from you as to whether you're participating or not or whether you are on hiatus. Sometimes, activity checks are also done before we start an event just to make it run smoother.
There have been some ideas on the table but we would also like to hear from you. Since we have reopened or, more accurately, done some spring cleaning and got this place up and active again, we have had so many new people come in and we thank you guys for joining us. For those that have been sticking with us, we are very gracious to you guys as well. So, we would really like an event that could help make new faces more comfortable and give our more veteran members the chance to mingle with other new and older faces.
It would be greatly appreciated!
Remember that no matter where you are, who you are, or where you come from that you are loved and cherished and that you matter. ♡
With love,
Admin Yu ♡
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