Why is it everytime something exciting or serious happens, I slide into a mobile announcement? Its because its so important that I got to say something right away!
As you may have seen; Purrsonality is the most upvoted of the week {dated 12th September}. What the fluffy pumpkins?! This is insane! When Purrsonality was updated, I wanted to make the admin team I was working with proud and I know everybody who joined me as the current admins feel the same.
First off, I want to thank the team both past and present. I know its tough with different time zones, work, health but everyone is so passionate and committed to make this place grow every day.
Second, I should thank the previous admin and creator, bunberry - you may remember then as Wooyoung before but they believed in Purrsonality, built it up and even supported us from afar. I know they'll be bashful when I mention it to them but I am proud of what we have all made together.
Lastly, I want to thank you reading this. Even if you are new, returning, a committed Purrsonality or just arriving. Every favourite, every upvote, comment and application is appreciated tenfold. ABO can be new to people but you have been so kind, welcoming and spreading the good vibes. That's what we're about. A safe den for all creatures great and small.
Thank you for embracing your Purrsonality and stay beautiful.
Here is too many more adventures together!
- From your nervous, excited and slightly teary bun.
Usually I would do a "person read this", but hey lets spread the good vibes. Let's do the cute pick up lines again. I'll start-
Are you a bunny? Because you got my heart THUMPING!
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