

Hello, hello! 

This announcement is to just cover a couple of things. In this announcement, I'll be addressing:
+ Rent
+ Warnings and Strikes
+ Anonymous Confessions
+ Photo Contest Results


Nothing is changing with the rent at the moment or how it's done. This is just to give notice that rent will be collected, well, later today, as it is the first of the month now (It's currently just past midnight EST). I'm not sure if I need to go through homes again and update them but I believe all of the private homes are up to date as far as their current owners go. For those of you that pay rent, you can check the Rent Room to see if your name is listed.

I'll bring this up again as it wasn't something I've gotten an answer on yet. This will be the last time though, so don't worry. Considering it costs 1,000 points to own a home or 2,000 to build your own, maybe there can be a rent-to-own kind of thing. Maybe 1,500 since it's in the middle. In other words, your character pays the 50 points a month until they reach the 1,500 and then the home is theirs. No more rent due. It's just an idea so that people aren't paying rent forever, especially if they have enough points to just make their home their own.

Warnings and Strikes

Things have gotten quite lackadaisical around here it seems and for the sake of everyone's comfort and ability to enjoy roleplaying here, warnings and strikes are returning. If you are reported, in character or out of character, for bullying, disrespecting, etc. someone else, you will receive a warning. Repeated behavior will result in strikes. As per typical strike systems, receive three strikes and we have a problem. It will be time discuss how to move forward, whether it be that one character of yours or you being apart of this roleplay altogether. 

This environment is supposed to be a place where everyone can roleplay with one another. No one is forcing you to roleplay with people that make you uncomfortable, go against your morals, etc., but you are to respect others and at least be cordial. No more calling people out or pointing fingers anonymously.

Another thing to be mindful of is how you utilize the in character chats. What I am referring to though typically happens in the rated chat, as it is more busy and more frequented. Watch how you talk about others. Talking about what's going on between your character and another is natural but it shouldn't be to the point that you're using the room to vent out personal and private matters for everyone to see, especially (and I really don't know how many times this can be emphasized) when you haven't approached them about the issue. Yes, drama is natural, whether it be ic or ooc, but it's about how you handle it. There's no excuse for talking down about someone, whether they're in the room or not. No one is dismissing anyone's feelings, thoughts, opinions, and so on. As this roleplay is an 18+ roleplay, matters should be able to be handled like adults. Addressing a matter and putting someone in the hot seat is not and will never be the same thing.

You words have weight, in character and out of character. Please, do your best to handle situations wisely and considerately.

Anonymous Confessions

A lot of what needs to go here has also been said about within the section of warnings and strikes. These confessions have been closed temporarily but, as of now, they are opening back up. I will get the link back into the room after I post this announcement.

Do not make us regret opening it back up. Do not abuse it. It is apart of our in-character confession roon. Just because it's anonymous does not give anyone the right to bash people there. If you aren't sure that that is what you're doing, honestly, maybe keep it to yourself, your wall or tell a friend if you really can't talk to the person directly. These confessions are going back to being much more heavily moderated. It doesn't have to be all rainbows and sunshine but there will be respect given to every single member of this roleplay. If you have a problem with that, you are more than welcome to address it with me in private. Confessions that are sent in anonymously will not be posted publicly if they are found to be defamatory. Telling someone to bend you over and bang your brains out is one thing. Anonmyously referring to someone as problematic, fake, simply not to your liking, even more so when it's opinion-based, is a completely different other category.

Trying to make this as abolutely clear as possible because the anonymous confessions will be turned off again if need be. That's all there is to that.

Photo Contest Results

To end on a lighter note, the results for the photo contest are in. You can find the winners below. Winners can save and add the photo to their profile should they so choose to. It's up to you.

Congratulations to all the winners and thank you so much for everyone that entered and participating in the voting!

Well, that conclues this announcement. Thank you for reading!

Remember that no matter where you are, who you are, or where you come from that you are loved and cherished and that you matter. ♡

With love,

Admin Yu ♡


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Jhopeexoticvip 2 years ago
Congratulations to all of the winners.
littlemouse 2 years ago
congrats to the winners!
nymphtears 2 years ago
cute uwu
b9da2c2919b8b461fda8 2 years ago
Thank you <3
435f4d5f77920f5ad3c6 2 years ago
thank you everyone for being unable to resist the bad boy pun - seunghyun

ooc I'm confused, is the strike system return about the confessions issue?
megaverse 2 years ago
christopher had read this and congrats to those who won the contest !!
MaleWifey 2 years ago
Lix read taemin won yay
schnuggldiwuppdich 2 years ago
i don't understand the venting part
a character's IC personality could be ty, so they do that in public with the hopes of eg dragging someone down
as long as IC and OOC is separated, what's the problem?
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