Announcement 1
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Hello Everyone!
I know that this place seems to have just done a big poof, and I would like to apologize, as life (read: I was ooc dying from school) had gotten in the way. But we are stiil here, and ready to get started again.
With that being said, and with things starting to settle down for the summer, I would like to announce the..."re-opening" of Goldfish! Throughout the summer, we will plan to have little events and games to allow you guys to get involved and have fun!!
With hopes of aiming to re-open this coming Saturday, we ask that everyone will remove their inactivity signs by Friday, June 10th at Midnight (GMT-7). Failure to do so will result in an archive of your character.
I hope to see you all soon! Please comment below after you have read with your character's name.
Thank you,
I know that this place seems to have just done a big poof, and I would like to apologize, as life (read: I was ooc dying from school) had gotten in the way. But we are stiil here, and ready to get started again.
With that being said, and with things starting to settle down for the summer, I would like to announce the..."re-opening" of Goldfish! Throughout the summer, we will plan to have little events and games to allow you guys to get involved and have fun!!
With hopes of aiming to re-open this coming Saturday, we ask that everyone will remove their inactivity signs by Friday, June 10th at Midnight (GMT-7). Failure to do so will result in an archive of your character.
I hope to see you all soon! Please comment below after you have read with your character's name.
Thank you,
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