connection | event start | activity check


so, hate to do this with you all again, but we are running another activity check, and once again, even the people on hiatus have to participate.

i asked you all what would make you more active, and you said events, and more things that encourage plotting and things going out, and that’s what i’ve been doing but i’m even trying to go more into something that would actually be more of what you guys are asking for, i’m giving you guys inititave to interact with each other. i understand people are busy, and that’s fine, so the ac is nothing big but i’m definitely holding it, because i want to make sure this place stays alive.

the ac, all you have to do is make a certain amount of posts. if you are on hiatus then your post is gonna be different. however after this announcement is posted you’re not allowed to ask for a hiatus. you can, you just have to make the post count of everyone else since you’re considered active when this was posted.

active members please make : 30 posts
hiatus members please make : 15 posts


if you are on hiatus, and you’d like to continue your hiatus, please let us know, which hiatus you’d like. a full hiatus is 4 weeks and a semi hiatus is 2 weeks, but you’re still slightly active as well. we will put a date next to your name, and when the date comes we will message on your wall and ask if you’re ready to come back, you are allowed a 1 week extension for both of those. if you are not ready to come back after the 1 week extension you will be removed, and you can come back to claim a character when you are ready to be active again!

I did the work for you all and figured out how many posts you need to make, so we ask that you keep an eye on your points and post in the proper activity check room to ensure your stay here at connection! 

For those on hiatus, once you reach the post count, you will be allowed to renew your hiatus, and we will put the date next to your name! 

this is to ensure we don’t have character hogging and an active place! we hope that you understand and thank you for staying with us this time!


okay! so the event is now starting and we got our teams sorted out! they are placed randomly, but you guys asked on the last activity check to have more events that encourage rping and friend building, so here we are. with the start of the event, we are allowing the rest of the weekend for late sign ups, but if you don&t sign up by sunday 11:59 pm gmt -5 time, then you can participate in the regular part of the event, but won’t be in a team. you’ll be randomly placed, but you are free to pm me, and let me know if there is a specific team you don’t want to be on, for ooc reason of course.

so with the event starting i’d first like to announce the team games that will be happening.

put up tents - can be done with someone on your team or alone, if done with someone you can add your two dice rolls together, if done alone you have to go off of one dice roll. roll 4+ to successfully put up your tent.

capture the flag, two of the teams will be put against each other, to capture someone’s flag you have to get a 4+ in a dice roll. if you want to try and keep your flag safe you have to beat the dice roll of the person who stole your flag. there are 2 mini flags per person on a team, and 3 main flags for the teams. the main flags you have to roll twice and make a sum of 10+ to get. someone can challenge you and beat your roll to save their team flag.


games - as a team, you will have your own game room, where it is strongly encouraged to play different games with just your team to get to know each other!


-- the teams will be as followed

team 1 : namjoon, hoseok, christopher, taecyeon

team 2 : mina, junya, changbin, siyeon

team 3 : taehyung, chanhee, yunhyeong

team 4 : hakken, chanwoo, jisung


in capture the flag event:

team 1 will go against team 3

team 2 will go against team 4


other than the team rooms there are other rooms to use that you can use freely! be competitive and have fun! if you guys want to come up with team names then feel free to do so!

there will be a trophy at the end of the event for the team with the most points, please check your team rooms to see how to gain points. please assign one person in your team to keep track of the points and when the event is finished please tag the points to cupid! ( can be done in your campsite room)

If you guys have questions feel free to ask!


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schnuggldiwuppdich 1 year ago
sorry im dumb what's the deadline on those 30?
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