update #2


hello from the admin team! <3

Thank you everyone for finding interest and joining this rp whether it was during Queencard or Lip Gloss, or both but it's been decided to close the roleplay. I've genuinely lost motivation and energy to want to Main Admin, though I do still want to do a type of event again but perhaps in a different rp in the future since I've saved a list of what some of you have  shared in the application! 

If any of you wish to leave, you do not have to PM me or Jisung or Soyeon but I'll keep this roleplay "open" but not necessarily accepting if any of you want to stick around for vibes and such. 

I may want to create anothe RP in the future or not, we'll see 

Take care, everyone. 


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konamocha 9 months ago
ah, I'll stick around for however long it remains "open" then
hopefully you're able to replenish your muse at some point. but till then I'll be looking forward to any of your future rps!
healys 9 months ago

While I empathize with the struggle of maintaining motivation...


nabongz 12 minutes ago Reply Replies
Aw u did well, bbg. Take ur time to recover your adminning muse <3
comets 9 months ago
awww <////3
crybebi 9 months ago
Ily bb
bongzzz 9 months ago
Aw u did well, bbg. Take ur time to recover your adminning muse <3
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