Important Announcement and Changes To Come


I didn't think we'd have to address issues like this so early on but it was brought to our attention by a few individuals on a few issues that could use some attention. 


I want to say first and foremost that rping is meant to be an escape that a lot of us use and hold onto during times in our lives when we just don't wish to deal with or need a break from whether it be work, home, or life in general. Rping is strictly IC and as stated in the rules should not mix with OOC issues, If you have trouble or dislike a certain FC OOC, or if you have had issues with a certain FC in a different RP I sincerely hope you wouldn't let it leak through in how you rp here. This RP and whatever other RP you as a writer were in or are currently in besides this one should be kept separate.


FCs are just characters being written by us rper’s to create a story, that's all we're trying to do here I'm sure we can all agree on that. But when feelings get mixed between OOC and IC it creates unwanted issues, comfort levels decrease and people may feel like they've done something wrong when they haven't.  We haven't had to give any warnings of now but will if the issue continues whether brought to our attention or spotted by the admins themselves. 


Secondly, Activity. We've also noticed there are a handful of people who rather stick to rping with their respective partners rather than trying to be active in the main chats and get to know the rest of the people here especially the new people joining us. That makes it seem like there are cliques and groups that may be too hard or scary to interact with, we don't want that. We ask those who strictly talk to their partner and don't interact to try and be more a part of the RP, we know it can be hard to socialize and chat, and it may be awkward, but I can promise no one bites unless given consent ;) but we can work with those individuals to make a comfortable space for you to interact more. As of right now, no warnings have been given but they will if we see this continue.


We will now be putting into place a character limit of 5 characters max to help with not only inactivity but to make things fair, Yes that means those like Luon and I who have more than 5 will have to get rid of certain characters regardless of their activity. With the character limit being put into place we will be adding rules to how you can achieve your characters. Points, Posts, and activity will be put into play, we ask you all to please understand while we go through with these changes, we will have more information up soon.


 And I speak on a personal level and can speak for Luon too, since we will have to also get rid of characters this means certain plots will have to be dropped along with the characters as much as it saddens us, none of this is personal and we dont want you to take it that way. This is to make things fair within the whole RP, just because we're admins does not give us any form of advantage or higher right to have things you as applicants have.


We love you all and are forever grateful for everyone joining, we didn't think our RP would take off and grow like it did. We were just two people who weren't happy in an old RP and made our own that we felt was inclusive and welcoming. And I really hope we've done that.


Loves of love




Please Comment your FC(s) below to let us know you've read and understand. 



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broski 1 year ago
Minho has read this
KPOPAuntie 1 year ago
Sunoo has read this! ^^
sullen 1 year ago
Minhyuk and Sunghoon have read this
DamnIan 1 year ago
Christian has read this.
PMR501 1 year ago
Kyungsoo has read this and understand it.
sparkle_ 1 year ago
Seojoon, Hyunwoo, Taecyeon and Seokwoo have read this.
crybebi 1 year ago
Chang and Podd has read this.

but I’d like to add that you’re not obligated to rp with anyone you don’t want to rp with. As long as you’re not causing issues in chats, you’re fine. we’re all adults. we all know our own boundaries.
wikihow 1 year ago
Yugyeom read
DamnDaehyun 1 year ago
Mingi has read this
neodreams 1 year ago
wonwoo and co has read this
babyholdmyhandnow_ 1 year ago
Jisung and Chris have read this
feetdealer 1 year ago
taeyang has read this
esnupi 1 year ago
hyunjin has read this
LonerKei 1 year ago
Dylan has read this
lechita 1 year ago
bobae has read this
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