sb - first event


sb | first event.

sb | first event.

sb | first event.

Harry Potter Event 

Hello everyone! thank you so much for participating in the activity check, for those that participated and completed it we will now be moving on to the first event held for sparkling blue! i hope that everything goes well! to sign up for this event you will roll in the sorting hat room (follow the instructions in there). You will be on a team with the house that you are sorted into, and to gain house points we will playing games(mainly dice) and the winners of the games will win points for the house! Each game will have their own rooms and instructions for further understanding. Once we have enough people to participate in the event we will open up the game rooms + ‘common rooms’ for you guys to chat in, however there will still be allowed to have new people to join the teams!  


This even is able for everyone to join! Even if you aren’t signing up in the first half of the event. Since we are going through with the harry potter theme the dp theme will be ‘witches/wizards’ so adorn your best robe, grab your wand and put it up as your dp! There will be a room to post the dp links to, to announce your official participating in the event and we will vote for the best dp! The winner will be featured for a week!


there is no specified limit for the main part of this event, however the dp event will run until the end of march! So please be sure to send your images in before then! If you have any questions or anything feel free to leave a comment below and we will answer it as quickly as possible.

ending note

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Maecenas feugiat.

Sparkly Layouts 2019posted on jan 3rd, 2021


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moonkitten 9 months ago
DNABleached 17 hours ago Reply
colazero 2 minutes ago Reply
i love the ending note
joshuji 9 months ago
chiori 2 hours ago Reply Replies
Ditching my hiatus just for this
woooja 9 months ago
i have a kwestsunnn
DNABleached 9 months ago
colazero 2 minutes ago Reply
i love the ending note
colazero 9 months ago
i love the ending note
mabuchi 9 months ago
Ditching my hiatus just for this
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