Does my crush like me? :pensive:


✦ kim bobae 1 minute ago Reply 

* rolls dice * gets a 4


4 = 20 points - Definitely!


Aye aye all Boss Bob here and nah I got no crush...but myself perhaps-

Me and my co been discussing and some additions were added. Please read below to see what's changed in the rp and what light activities you can do from now on.

Ghosts are allowed to leave the columbarium in a certain radius but with no time restriction. They just gotta know the longer they are outside, the more energy is drained. Generally there are 3 zones in which ghosts can roam. They are gradually numbered from basic to more fancy and from closest to farthest from columbarium; consequently, the energy will be affected. Yes gotta suffer in the more advanced facility ❤️ okno

Another thing we added to activate the logbook was rolling dice with a twist, for checking in/out. The twist is fortune telling. Whenever a ghost wanna leave the columbarium, or whenever a human (be it staff or visitor) wanna enter the columbarium, they gotta roll and perhaps ask the dice anything in mind (look at announcement title), maybe related to their stroll out for bad luck or something idek. Anyways, based on their dice they gonna collect points (activity for humans and energy for ghosts) and get their answer as yes, no, or maybe. 


The points will be useful for future updates we still discussing. Buying stuff from columbarium shop, nominations (e.g. most powerful ghost [by higher number of points], most active visitor/staff...etc)


Please check the logbook for further details of the dice!


Comment if done reading. Thanks~


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