Hi guys!


Excuse how simple this is but as you know the days are getting busy and it's overall a hectic time. Thank you everyone who joined!! I appreciate it so much. Genuinely wanted to make a safe space for those who needed it and I think I accomplished quite a bit with just myself as a first time admin. With that, you're more than welcome to go or stay. I myself am about to start a new job mid December and there's no way I can keep up. 

Please continue to take care. Eat a little something, drink some water, and please stay warm/cool wherever you are. You are just as important as the person (or people) you care about. Check on family and friends you haven't said hello to in a while. Seasonal depression is sadly potent and if we can extend a warm smile, why not? Again, thank you for giving this place a chance. The decision is yours.

- _tokito ♡


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sapphira 1 month ago
Thank you and same to you! Goodluck with your future endeavors!!
carlotta 1 month ago
ty for ur hard work!
comets 1 month ago
thanks for the cute cozy place and wish all the best for you in your new job :>
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